The End Of The Exam (CH.71)

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Itsuka's Pov

Some minutes earlier

By this point the first part of the exam had already concluded, and we were all waiting for the next part to begin. Luckily for us, my entire class had made it this far, and were all on route to getting our provisional licenses.

It had been already a couple of minutes, and we were already told about what the second part would be. An exercise across the entire field mimicking a disaster, so they could measure or rescuing capabilities.

We were also given a couple minutes to get ready, moment which I tried to use to breath and focus. 'Remember what Y/NN told you. Breath in. Fill your lungs to the top. Then breath out. Let all your insecurities out.' However, after a little while of doing this, something sudden happened that made me snap from my concentration.

I felt my phone, which I was given back only for this while of resting, start to vibrate. At first I didn't think much about it, since it probably was a message from my parents or something else, but once I brought it up, I could see what it was, and turns out it was a call from Y/N.

This really surprised me, as I didn't think he would try to contact me until after the exam, but then assumed that if he was contacting me before that, then it must mean that there was something going on.

I was about to pick up his call, but just at that moment the second part started, and as the walls of the building in which we were started separating, I had to get going, forcing me to leave my phone again, and try to contact Y/N later. 'Sorry, Y/NN. It'll have to be later. I know you can resist until then.' I thought to myself, and then ran off to help my classmates and other partners with the test.

Y/N's Pov


As the cloud of dust created by the sudden explosion died down, we could all see at the villains that entered, but truthfully, I already knew who was entering, as I could sense Gang Orca's quirk, as well as all of his sidekicks running around.

As I started making my way towards the spot of the explosion, we could all hear an announcement coming from the comms regarding this sudden change. [With the villains on scene, the persecutions has changed! Now the cadet heroes must suppress the villains, and continue with their rescuing endeavors!] And with that, everyone started either acting against the villains, or continuing with the rescue operation as best as they could.

It still took me a couple seconds to get to the spot where all the villains were, so in that time another student from a different school managed to get there first, and used his quirk to try and stop them.

It worked fairly well for the small fodder, as they fell due to his shaking quirk, but as for Gang Orca, who served as the main and strongest villain, it didn't seem to be that much of a problem, as he simply went through all of it, emerging right infront of him, and then releasing a shockwave with his quirk, creating great impact on him.

This seemed to leave him in a defenseless position, so I wanted to go and help him, but just as I was about to land, I noticed Shoto releasing a mountain of ice towards Gang Orca, making me have to move a bit, in order to not get hit, but also leaving me on the opposite side of him.

This wasn't a problem, as I could easily pass over the top, but just as I was about to, I noticed another student, who I recognized as Inasa Yoarashi, from earlier today. I really didn't pay that much attention to him, and simply waited for his wind attack to cease, after what, I got back up front, from where I could hear Shoto say. "You, why don't you go help with evacuation back there? Your quirk might be useful for that. We'll take care of this." At first, I was confused as to why would he say this, but with a quick look, I could notice that he was talking to Inasa, which was still confusing, as his quirk was probably of better use here, but I just shrugged it off.

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