Fighting In The Exam (CH.66)

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Itsuka's Pov

It had been a while since me and the rest of my class got to exam location. The first task was pretty surprising, since we weren't expecting it at all, but me and the rest of my group managed to adapt quickly enough.

Right now, Tetsutetsu, Tokage, Pony, Awase and I were walking to the resting area after having earned our pass to the second trial. "Uff, that was intense!" Slightly exclaimed Awase, while rubbing his shoulder, which seemed to get quite some damage.

"Yeah, but it was fun!" Said Pony this time, following along with his mood, which got Tokage to say.

"At least we got the next stage. Hopefully all of our classmates will pass as well." All of them nodded in agreement with her, and just as we arrived at the waiting area, Awase added.

"Just imagine how pissed Monoma would be not everyone did, and 1-A did." This got a laugh out of everyone, and even a chuckle from me.

It was nice seeing them talk in such a relaxed way, though, it was weird not having Y/N here, not only because he's my boyfriend, but also because he loves to have this light chats with them, since they are something he never had before.

This trail of thought kept me a bit out of the conversation, until I said. "I wonder if Y/N-" But just at that moment, Tokage exclaimed.

"Wait, is that Kamakiri?" And looking at where she pointed out, Kamakiri was in fact standing there. He was just standing there, all by himself and looking like he didn't want to really talk with anyone, but despite that, Tokage just went right at him, calling for him.

This was a bit surprising, as we didn't know how close those two were, but we just let out a chuckle, and then Awase asked. "Anyway, what were you saying, Kendo?" It took me a moment to snap back, and then replied.

"Right, I was just wondering how well was Y/N doing in his exam." They all took a moment to think about it, except Tetsutetsu, who simply said.

"I'm sure he's fine!" And was then followed by Pony, who said.

"Yeah! He's amazing, there's no way he won't pass." I still pondered thee thought for a moment, but they were right, so I said.

"You're right. I mean, we wouldn't have passed this easily if it wasn't for his teachings. I'm sure he did way better than us!" The three of them agreed with me, and so, we all got a bit excited, and we decided to go talk with Tokage and Kamakiri.

Y/N's Pov

Right at that moment, the other students came right at us. Most of them focused on my opponents, since they were focusing on the bigger group, while only one came at me. His quirk seemed to be a bit troublesome, but it only would if gave him the chance.

He first tried to throw some punches at me, but easily dodged them, though I haver to admit he was faster than I expected, but nothing I couldn't handle. Right as his fist passed by the side of my head, I quickly took his arm, and spun him around, throwing him away, this got him off balance, and I went to take off one of his targets.

Even with the extra speed he displayed, I was pretty confident that I would be able to tag him with no problem, but just as I went for the first one, he grabbed my hand, and stopped me dead in place. "Don't even think that I'll be that easy. I'm the best in my class." I tried to pull away from him, but his grip was very strong, and I couldn't stop him from throwing a headbutt at me.

Bloodless Strength: The user gets stronger with the more damage they take. This does not grant pain tolerance, but it allows them to move easily, even with broken limbs, as they don't worsen, though the pain is still there.

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