Before The Internships (CH.75)

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Y/N's Pov

As I walk inside K's office, I was promptly greeted by him. "Good to see you again, Y/N." He said, and as I bowed down a bit at him, I replied.

"Good to see you as well, Coach." He then motioned to the chair infront of him, so I assumed that he was offering me a seat, and so, I sat down, while he searched through his desk for some documents.

It took him around ten seconds to find what he was looking for, and as he opened those papers to read them, he said. "Well, well, Y/N, it seems like you made quite a reputation for yourself while you were out of here." I just now realized how this may have affected his image as well, as a lot of people already connected me with his agency, however, before I got the chance to apologize for anything, he just kept talking. "For starters, what happened at I-Island was mostly covered as an accident settled by All Might, but a couple reporters got the scoop that it was you and your friends who settled it. Next came the camp incident, and while most news articles focused on how this made U.A look weak and insecure, there were also those that focused on how the students had to fight as well. And the drop that spilled the cup, while everything else could be called of as simple rumors, your public appearance in the Kamino incident made quite a controversy, as not only was it among the biggest catastrophes in the last couple of years, but you didn't even have your provisional license, and this time there was no one but me to cover you up." Hearing all of this from him, it did make me feel a bit bad, but not because I regretted doing any of that, as I still believed I acted accordingly, but rather because I didn't want it to hinder my future career as a hero.

I stayed silent, waiting for him to say something, and after a couple of seconds, he finally continued. "Fortunately for us, everyone already assumed that I was the one that sent you to Kamino, so it was easier for me to cover you up, and in exchange I get you to work exclusively under my agency, so I guess it's a win-win situation for us." I was relived to hear all of this, and as K closed the file and placed it away, he asked to me. "I understand that you were given a contract from U.A, may I have it?" I nodded at this, and then brough it out of my backpack and gave it to him.

K started reading a bit of it, before quickly putting it down on his desk. He then started looking for something, but there was still a question that I had to make. "Coach, I was just wondering, why are you so eager to have me in your agency? I understand that my performance might be remarkable, but even so, standing up for me after the Kamino incident seems like a bit too much for me, so why?" He seemed to be a bit surprised at this, and as he got a stamp out, he asked.

"Why did I bring you back, you say?" I knew this was a rhetorical question, so as he prepared to stamp the contract, he also started explaining. "Because you're a valuable asset. I'll be honest with you, kid. Your talent is something I've never seen before, and it's not only due to your quirk, which by itself is amazing, but also because of what skills you displayed. As good as your quirk is, once you copy a new quirk you must learn how to use it, but you adapted to all of them perfectly during the Sports Festival, also, back at Kamino, you moved at incredible speeds with amazing care and precision. What you have is something else, and I desire it. My dream is to turn out the ultimate hero, and I believe I can accomplish it with you." As he stopped talking, K finally stamped my contract, and gave it back to me.

As I looked again at the contract, which now had K's stamp in its place, I started getting a bit excited, and as I put it inside my backpack, I said to him. "I promise not to disappoint you, Coach." Looking at him, he only let out a chuckle, and with smile, which had a bit of a sinister aura, he said to me.

"Oh, I know you won't, Y/N." This did make me feel a bit nervous, but I simply assumed that it was just his way of smiling, so I simply shrugged it off. "Anyway, your internship will start tomorrow. Today was supposed to be only for you to convince me, however, everything was settled before you even came, so use this day to relax a bit, because starting tomorrow, I can tell you that you will be really busy." I nodded at this, and after settling a bit more stuff, I was done for the day.

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