Gathering Intel (CH.91)

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Izuku's Pov

After reuniting once again with Uraraka and the rest of her squad, K told us to keep formation, only after we made sure everyone was okay enough to walk, and then went to look for the rest of the team.

Once we got to the wall me, K, and Nighteye came from though, we realized that the floor wasn't even. We looked a bit up from where we were standing, and we realized that the area we came from was higher up by a couple of meters, however, since we all had entered with a jump, due the sounds coming from this room making us worry a bit too much, we hadn't noticed this.

At first, it seemed unimportant, but that's when K said. "Dammit." We were confused by this, so we turned around, and once he saw us, K explained. " If this floors were made at different points of the structure, then there's a possibility that the other teams are even deeper, or too high for us to reach. Whatever it is, it might make it too hard for us to find them." Now we understood why was he so upset, and it did make sense, because we now knew even less how deep we were.

It seemed as if we all tried to think of something. Maybe a way out of this, or something that would help us, but none of us could come up with something, at least until I realized something. "Wait, don't we have intercoms or something like that? We were going to start mission, right?" Unfortunately, this wasn't the case, as Sir Nighteye said.

"No. We were going to handover some earphones for that, but all of this started before that." This really frustrated me, because I felt like I had found something, however, not even after minute passed, Nighteye seemed to remember something else. "But they should still have their phones with them!" And with that little piece of information, we started working.

I immediately brought out my phone, and started looking for who to call first. I moved around for a while, until I finally fell on Kirishima. I quickly pressed his name, and pressed the phone against my ear. The following seconds were quite nerve-wracking, as I wasn't entirely sure if he would even pick up, but after ten seconds I would say, he finally picked up. "Hey, Kirishima, are you there?" However, to my surprise, I was met with another voice.

[Deku, right?] I heard, however, it was a bit hard to recognize who the owner of the voice was. It sounded familiar, but there was something different about it, like it wasn't as deep as it was supposed to be, and that, combined with the entire anxiety of the situation, enough to tip me off.

"W-Who is this?!" I promptly asked, and after hearing the other person realize how jarring this was for me, they said.

[Oh, sorry. It's me, Fatgum, I'm here with Red Riot, but he was knocked out after a fight with two villains. They're unconscious at the moment, fortunately.] Now that I had the full image, I managed to calm down a bit, and so, I asked.

"Alright. I'm here with K, Sir Nighteye, Ryukyu, Froppy, Uravity, and Nejire-Chan. We all faced against some villains as well, but they've been taken care of. We were about to go find you and the rest, but we just realized that all of our 'chambers' are at different heights. Do you guys have any indication of how deep down you are." I heard Fatgum start muttering something, as I assume he started looking around, and seeing if he could tell me something.

I was patient, and gave him his time for this, however, after a minute or two, he said to me. [No, I can't see anything. There are a couple of cracks on the ceiling from which the light can enter, so we are not that deep, but it's hard to tell how much.] This was frustrating to hear, but it served if at least a bit.

I quickly turned up to look at our ceiling, and I realized that, while there was some light coming through the cracks, it was still pretty dark. "Fatgum, how much light is there in your room exactly." I asked through the phone once again, and after a couple of seconds, he replied.

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