The Exam Aftermaths (CH.72)

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Itsuka's Pov

The Provisional License exam had already finished, and whether due to luck or my own skills I managed to approve, which was a huge relief. Fortunately, the rest of my class also managed to approve, and right now we were all celebrating and cheering, as we walked back to the bus, in order to go back to U.A.

As everyone got in their sits, and after I made sure that everyone was on board already, I told Vlad sensei that we were ready, and so, we parted ways. While the rest of my class continued talking in between them, and overall making a ruckus, I simply tried to lay back and relax for a bit, as I was feeling a bit sore from everything that happened.

In order to do this, I decided to look through my phone, watching some fun videos, maybe playing for a bit, and even going through some photos of me and Y/N. 'Maybe I should get some of this framed, just like the one Y/NN has from our first hang out.' I thought to myself, and as I felt my cheeks get a bit warmer, surely do to a developing blush, I realized something. 'Right, I'm supposed to call Y/NN back!' I then immediately went to the calling option of my phone, and quickly pressed on Y/N's contact.

I then brought up my phone to my ear, and as I waited for him to pick up, I felt myself get a bit nervous, as I still didn't know why he would call me during as important as this exam.

It took a couple of seconds, but soon enough, he picked up. "Hey, Y/NN! How have you been?"

Y/N's Pov

Once I saw that Itsuka was trying to call me back, a whole lot of emotions started flooding me. On one part, I felt simple joy, as a call from her was something I always appreciate, but on the other hand, all my fear, nervousness, and terror I felt during the first part of the exam started coming back, and while I didn't totally crumble down like back then, I still felt my breathing start to tremble quite a lot.

It took me a while, but I finally got the courage to bring the phone up to my ear, and what I heard, instantly filled me to the brim with relief and happiness. [Hey, Y/NN! How have you been?] Just hearing her voice, and getting a bit more certainty that everything that I saw before was fake, made me feel like an enormous burden had been taken off my shoulders, and while I still wanted to see her face to face before being fully certain, this was a huge improvement already.

The shock and relief I got from this was bigger than I initially expected, as I took quite a while before replying to Itsuka, and so she asked. [Y/NN? Is everything alright?] This made me snap back from my trance, and after a little bit more accommodating, I finally replied.

"O-Oh, yeah...I'm here..." But to be honest, I didn't know what else to say, as the only thing I wanted to do was to know if she was alright, but now I had nothing else to say.

The two of us stayed silent for a little while, until she took the initiative, and asked. [So...Why did you call me earlier?] Now I snapped again, as I did enter a bit of trance yet again, and after thinking for a bit, I tried to formulate my answer.

On one hand, I wanted to be fully honest about what happened, as we promised no more secrets, but on the other hand, I wasn't really sure if telling her through the phone was all that appropriate, and kind off wanted to tell her in person.

I probably would've taken more time to think this thoroughly, but since I had already spaced off twice during this single call, I decided to cut it short and be half truthful. "W-Well, I just wanted to know how you were d-doing, but I think it was a bit stupid from me to call during the exam. S-Sorry." She just chuckled lightly at this, and after letting out a sigh of her own, she said to me.

[It's alright. I was in my rest in between the two parts of the test, but it finished just as I got your call, so I couldn't reply.] I was also really glad to hear why she couldn't reply to me back then, and made me feel a bit more at ease, however, she wasn't done talking. [But honestly, you shouldn't call me during an exam like that since it could get me in trouble, however, I'm sure you already know that, so tell me, why did you really call me?] I was mildly impressed by how she managed to piece all that stuff together, but right now I didn't have time to be in awe.

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