The News Arrive (CH.97)

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Itsuka's Pov

We were all in the middle of an intense training session with Vlad Sensei when he finally decided to give us a break. "Is it me or -Uff- Or do Vlad Sensei's trainings get harder every time." Started exclaiming Awase, since he was starting to fall off in comparison to the others, however with good reason if I say so myself.

Vlad sensei was definitely pumping up the training, however, it only seemed to be for us, as the rest of the class, while tired, they could till clearly continue for quite a while, unlike us. "I swear today's training is at least twice as hard as the last one." He said, and then immediately at down on the floor since it was clear that he could barely keep going.

As for the rest of us, I could stand for a little more myself, but if I had to run another lap around the gym, then I would certainly pass out. Tetsutetsu was surprisingly okay, though I could tell that he was only holding up due to his own will, and if it wasn't for that, he would certainly crumble down. Pony and Tokage were still holding one more than us, but they really had to sit down already.

Surprisingly though, Kamakiri was still holding up really well. He was certainly tired, but his composure was still way better than us, and he didn't forget to rub this in. "The training is certainly harder, but that's not an excuse to slack around." Though, this didn't sound well for the rest of the group.

Yosetsu simply laughed at this and then exclaimed. "Easy for you to say, Y/N's Protégé." And in the same way as before, this didn't rub well with Kamakiri. He started exclaiming how he wasn't Y/N's protégé or anything, which in result made Awase reply with even more screaming, which again prompted Kamakiri, and so on and so forth, resulting in a pretty heated argument, which I'm pretty sure didn't evolve into a fight due only to the fact that they were both pretty tired to do such thing.

This was simply too fun to watch, so I chuckled to myself, however, at that moment I turned around to look at the rest, and that's when I realized that Tokage had her phone out, and of course it was her out of everyone. I normally wouldn't pay too much attention to something like this, especially since I was simply too tired, however, I was the class representative, o I was pretty much obligated to report this to the teacher, which was a bit annoying right now.

First, I walked towards her and said. "Tokage, please put your phone away. I don't want to have to report you to Vlad sensei...again." However, she only chuckled at something that she was watching in her phone, and then said.

"C'mon Prez, it's just for this break. Besides, look at this funny video I found." She then turned her phone around to show me, but like all the other times that she tried to do this, I just rolled my eyes and then said to her.

"C'mon, you know I can't condone this, just put it awa-" However, at that moment, I noticed something weird in her phone. "Wh-What's that?" I asked to her, something that confused her, so she turned her phone around and looked at what I pointed at, and then said.

"Oh, it's just a notification of the news app in my phone." She then touched a couple of buttons on her phone, and after a couple of seconds, she continued with. "Oh, seems like there's been a big incident in some hospital...Damn, it was even torn apart by a big villain." At that moment, I suddenly remembered what Y/N told me in the morning, and how an important mission was going to happen.

After thinking about it a bit, I realized that he probably would've finished by now, since it was a bit late already, but I was still nervous, so I then asked. "W-What hospital was it at?" And after looking through it for a bit, she replies.

"It's at Illum's General Hospital." And with just that, I suddenly panicked, and my heartbeat increased to the max in just a second.

After that, I instantly took the phone from her hands and started looking for the news app. "Hey! That's mine!" She exclaimed, but I really didn't care right now. I was more concerned about Y/N's and Eri's situation right now.

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