Starting With The Exam (CH.31)-Part 1

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Y/N's Pov

We had received our notes from the exam, and I got a 100, but it wasn't surprising for me, however, when I went to meet with Itsuka, I was tackled by my entire studying group, all of them were really excited and started cheering at the same time, when I managed to calm them, they apologized and said that they were just super excited, and then showed me their exams, Setsuna had a 97 while Itsuka a 93, both of them were the highest ones of the group, then Pony and Tetsutetsu had similar notes, with 83 and 86 respectively, and even thought Yosetsu was the lowest one of the group, with 72 points, he was still very happy with this.

All of them wanted to celebrate their scores, but I reminded them that we still had to take the practical part, and surprisingly, they weren't upset by this, instead they were excited for more training, despite how painful it was for them yesterday.

Today we spent less time than the day before, but they still did a good progress, they didn't increased the time they could use the Total Concentration Breathing, but they managed to reduce the backslash that they received from it, the day before we had stopped at around 17:00, but today we decided to stop at 16:00, so we could all get a proper rest before the exam.

When we were leaving, we followed the same path towards the station and we started talking between us, and this time it felt a bit, odd, instead of feeling disconnected from them, aside from Itsuka, I felt like I could really talk to them, that I felt an urge to speak, when this normally didn't happened.

After sometime, when it was just me and Itsuka walking to her house, I mentioned this feeling to her, at first she was a bit confused with what I said, but then she seemed to understand, and with a smile on her face, she said that I may have gotten my first true friends, I was really surprised by this, but we just talked a bit more, and when I left her at her house and went back to mine, I got too deep in thought with this, I had already made myself friend with almost all 1-A, but I never had that feeling until now, it was even different that the one that Itsuka gave me, she made me feel attracted and extremely happy, but they just made me feel calmed and accompanied, which was different but nice, I couldn't get this ideas from my head, so I worked on the katana that wasn't sharpened yet, so I could distract me, and even thought I finished it, I still pondered this thought a bit, but I decided to put this ideas on hold, at least until the exams had passed.

Timeskip To The Next Day

We were now lined up infront of all the teachers, waiting for the exam to begin, to be honest, now I was actually nervous, on written test I had an extreme confidence on my abilities, but a physical test was kinda different, I still felt confident, but there was more probability of me making an error, then Aizawa sensei started talking. "Okay, the practical test will start shortly, obviously, you can fail this part as well, so if you want to go to the shack in the forest, I don't want to see any embarrassing performances from you." Then Kyoka made a comment about there being too many teachers here, and she was right, there were eight of them just for our exam, which was weird, but then Aizawa sensei mentioned. "I'm sure you all learned as much as you could from this test, so you should have an idea of what's coming." Then Mina and Denki got pretty ahead of themselves and started cheering about their confidence on defeating the robots, but then Principal Nezu popped from Aizawa's sensei scarf, and said.

"Sorry, but I'm afraid not! Due to multiple reasons, form now on, we are changing the content of the test!" This seemed surprise almost everyone there, but the most affected were, again Mina and Denki, they seemed devastated because of this change, while everyone else was shocked, I was mostly interested, rather than shocked, so I waited for the full explanation. "From now on we will focus on fights with real people, and we will emphasize the teaching environment into something more close to real battles! Which is everything that I have to announce, and being said that, we will arrange you in pairs, and make you fight one of your teachers." Now everyone got surprised, but I was quite excited, when and idea suddenly came to my head, it was interesting, but also an stupid idea, but I couldn't resist letting out a chuckle, that was noticed by the Principal. "Is there something wrong Y/N?" I got a bit embarrassed, and then apologized.

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