A Day In The Hospital (CH.77)

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Y/N's Pov

While Eri kept crying on my shoulder, thanking me nonstop, I turned to both Mirio and Izuku, and said. "Alright, you guys can handle this? I would like to take Eri to the hospital." Izuku nodded at me, while Mirio said.

"Yeah, we'll be fine. We just gotta inform Sir. Nighteye. He might want to interrogate her." I nodded at this, as I probably was going to ask her some questions, but I first wanted her to get a bit better at least.

As I started walking away, I turned to Eri, and said. "Hey, Eri, hold tight please." She seemed to be a bit confused as to why I said this, but just when I jumped onto some buildings to get faster to the hospital, she realized what I meant, and so she clinged even more to my suit.

I wasn't going at my max speed since I didn't want to startle again. After everything that she seemed to go through, the last thing I wanted was to get her even more scared. Judging by my current distance to the hospital, normally it would take me from 5 to 8 minutes to arrive, however, this change I did for Eri made me take more like 13 to almost 20 minutes, which was good enough for me, and soon enough, we arrived.

As I walked inside the hospital, a nurse came up to me and asked. "Hello sir. Welcome to the Illum general hospital, anything I can help you with." And as I signaled to Eri, I replied to her, while also taking off my helmet and voice changer.

"It's her. I saved her from kidnapping, but I'm afraid her condition might be too frail, as she wasn't properly taken care of while in captivity, so I was wondering if you could make a check up on her to be sure." The nurse nodded at me, and after asking me a couple of questions related to Eri, so she could give at least a bit of information to the doctor about her, and then took us to a different room.

Normally, I would've left Eri alone, so while they made her a checkup, I would continue with my hero work, however, she didn't stop clinging harder to me, so I decided to stay with her, and while this would probably anger K, I believed that it was worth it for her. I don't even know why, but there was simply something that made me want to keep her safe, more than anyone else besides Itsuka.

Once a doctor was free to come, the checkup could start. The first part was pretty normal, as the doctor simply weighted her, and did a couple more measurements, however, while this helped to see that she was really frail for her age, this wasn't enough to make a full analysis, as we still required a blood test to seek for certain deficiencies.

This was reasonable to me, as it was extremely necessary, but I was a bit worried about what Eri would think, so I hugged her a bit tighter for it. As the doctor got out a small needle to get the blood sample, Eri started getting even more nervous, and once she realized what it was, and what it was aimed to be, she exclaimed. "N-No! Please...No more pain! Please!!!" And honestly, hearing her cry like this, just broke my heart, and I would've been even angrier at Overhaul, if it wasn't because Eri was simply sucking up my entire attention.

I tried to think about how I would convince her to accept, when I got an idea. "Hey, Eri, look at me." I said to her, and even if she was still terrified, she turned to look at me. "It's fine if you don't to do it. I understand it might be frightening, but at least me show you that there's nothing to worry about." I then freed one of my arms, and used it to signal the doctor to come close. Once he was beside me, I told him to first take a sample for me, and he seemed to understand what I wanted to do.

Just before he put the needle in, I turned to look at Eri, and said. "So, you see. Needles nowadays don't really hurt. They are pretty thin, and just feel like a light pinch." She was paying close attention to my shoulder, as that's where the doctor was going to pierce, and while she focused on this, I used my suit to create a really small needle on my thumb, and it was small enough for me to be certain that it wouldn't hurt her in the least.

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