The Mission Begins (CH.83)

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Y/N's Pov

I wasn't really expecting to fall asleep with the two of them so early today, but not like I can honestly complain. It was nice having them by my side, and the slept I got from being with them was probably the best I had in the previous months.

After probably an hour or two, I started getting up again, and as I looked around, I could see that neither of them did yet, which made me let out a chuckle, and then see what I could do while waiting for them.

I didn't want to wake them up just yet, as not only did we not have anything urgent to do, but they also simply looked too peaceful for me to interrupt that. I didn't even move from where I was, in order to not interrupt, so instead I picked up the tablet from the bedside table, and assuming that they would be hungry when they woke up, I ordered some food for all of us.

Since I had some free time while waiting, I brought out my phone, which I used to get some work done, and while it wasn't much, I was still glad to get it out of my way, since it would allow me to solely focus on the two of them for the rest of that day.

I was actually pretty much done with my schoolwork, meaning that I only had company work to deal with, and fortunately, it was mostly related to bills, payments, and stuff of that kind, making it pretty easy to get over with, especially through my phone.

I took my time looking through everything, while making sure to not mess anything up, but at the same time, I would glance every now and then to both Eri and Itsuka, in order to make sure that they were still resting perfectly, and luckily for me, the two of them were perfect.

After a couple more minutes of working and resting, I could notice one of the nurses coming up to the room, so it was easy for me to assume that she was bringing our food. Before she arrived, I put my phone away, and then carefully got out of the grasp of both girls in order to receive the food. I was worried this would wake up Eri due to her fear of being alone, however, she didn't do that, but instead she scooted even closer to Itsuka, and wrapped her tiny little arms around Itsuka with as much strength as she could.

Just looking at this made my heart melt, and almost instantly forced me to give the two of them a kiss on their foreheads, resulting in a glad hum from each of them. I was once again worried that they would wake up due to this, but they didn't, so it was all fine.

By this point, the nurse was just outside the room, however, I didn't want her to knock on the door, as that could wake up the girls, so before she got the chance to do so, I opened it myself. Seeing me open the door so quickly seemed to scare the nurse a bit, but I simply said to her. "Thanks for bringing the food." In a whisper. This confused her even more, but she simply seemed to shrug it off, and then gave me our order.

After she left the room, I walked back to the bed, and left the food on the bedside table. I was planning to maybe let both girls to sleep for a little while more, however, as I thought about this, Eri woke up. "Mr. Yu?...*Yawn* Is that breakfast?" She asked me, and while at first I was worried that I had woken her up, I assumed that it was alright, and that either way, she probably got up due to the smell.

Since she was already up, I picked up her part, which consisted of some rice and some soba, with an apple for dessert, and as I gave her the food, I replied to her. "Kind of. I guess you could say it's lunch." She was still half asleep, so she could only nod weakly, and as she stretched her arms, while also letting out one last yawn, I left the food right infront of her.

Once she managed to catch up with everything, Eri picked up her chopsticks, and started eating. It was a bit funny to see her doing so, as she was still a bit green with them. The food would fall out of them almost always, and while mostly mind that, when it fell on the bed, she would get a bit upset and then try to pick everything up. After the first couple of minutes, I decided to help her, and after I picked up what had fallen on her, I did my best to show her how to use them, but she still couldn't do it correctly, as she would need a lot more practice, so I instead gave her a fork, which she could easily use.

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