The Cavalry Battle (CH.15)-Part 2

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Y/N's Pov

I ended in second place in the race, it had been a closed finish with Izuku, but in the end I couldn't win "That was a great race Izuku" I told him, with a smile and a thumb up.

"Yeah, that was a closed race in the end" He answered, Izuku really looked exhausted, I was also tired, but not as much as him, then we just waited for the rest of the competitors to arrive, after a while everyone got here, and Itsuka came towards me.

"Hey Y/N! Well done in getting second place!" She smiled at me, I returned the smile and said.

"Yeah, I did my best, but I still couldn't get first" I chuckled.

"You're right, but you still came up really high!" We just talked for a bit, until Midnight sensei spoke again.

"The first 42 places get to go on to the next round!!! Sorry for the ones that couldn't pass! Now for the post-preliminar event we will do is!" She then randomized the event, and after some seconds it appeared "A human cavalry battle!!! You can form your teams freely, but everyone will get points according to the participants, the last place will have 5 points, the next one 10 points, and like that all the way up, except for the first place, the first place is worth TEN MILLION POINTS!!!" It was surprising that they gave so much importance to Izuku, and looking at him, he didn't seemed to like the idea, everyone else was staring at him menacingly "The combination of all the points of the members of your team will determine the value of you head band, you have to wear it at least over your neck, if you lose all your bands, or your horse is destroyed, you're still on the game,  the game will last 15 minutes, now you have 15 minutes until then, create your teams" Almost immediately everyone surrounded me, and started asking me to be in their teams, I however, didn't mind them, and asked Itsuka.

"Hey Itsuka, wanna be on a team?" She frowned a bit.

"I would like that, but we've been fighting alongside each other since the beginning of the year, and I think I could improve more if this time I you fought instead, so no thanks." She seemed to feel a bit bad for it, but I just reassured her.

"Don't worry, it's all right, I don't want us to depend a lot from each other" She smiled and got in a better mood "But keep in mind, if you're against me, I will give it my all to defeat you." Now she gave a challenging  look, and said.

"I wouldn't expect any less from you! And don't expect me hold myself against you either!" And with our 'war' declarations, we just went into opposite directions to make our teams, then Izuku came up to me.

"Y/N, I need you for the team, you can cover any weakness that we have, and give us a great flexibility, what do you say?" I pondered the idea for a while, but in the end I answered.

"No thanks Izuku, your plan seems pretty good, but I think we could improve ourselves if we fight with people we aren't used too, sorry." He seemed understanding about this, and I just went on, since I didn't accepted any of the offers to be in other people's teams, they made their teams with the third and fourth place, or just with whoever they felt more comfortable with, I studied the teams to see which team I could get into, and I saw a promising one.

"Hey you two, mind if I join your team?" They both looked back at me, Pony looked at me and had a smile, probably because of my points, but Togaru didn't looked as pleased as her.

"Why would I partner up with you?!, What I want is to get my rematch with you, rather than teaming up with you!" He screamed.

"You know, in a cavalry battle like this one, our fight would be interrupted, but if we are in the same team, and we get to the next round, our fight would be a one-on-one!" He contemplated this for some seconds, and in the end he just let out a 'tch', then said.

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