Figthing Some Traumas (CH.68)

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Ashido's Pov

The fight ensued. Balls were flying, targets were taken out, and in general, everything was a pure mess. I had lost one targets already, while Hagakure had almost lost her second one, and I think Mineta somehow managed to not lose any, which was surprising.

Fortunately for us, it wasn't quite a one-sided battle. We had already taken care of one of their classmates, and pretty much everyone else had already lost at least one target, so we were doing pretty good.

We still didn't know what happened to Y/N, and why was he like that, but at least we knew who the culprit was, that girl. Seeing as she was beside Y/N when all this happened, it was clear that it must've been her quirk, so we were pretty cautious with her.

I tried to focus on her as much as I could, and I was actually about to finish her off, as I threw a ball right at her last target, but at that moment, it happened. Y/N screamed, or to be precise, he screeched, and released what seemed to be a power burst that withered down the entire floor around us. The rock-solid base in which we were standing suddenly became a bunch of dust.

We fell right through it, getting almost entirely buried in it, until Y/N seemed to copy more quirks, and use them in the same scared and disoriented way. Wiping everything away from his close vicinity, and even causing us quite some damage.

I was pretty close to Hagakure, so when we fell back we ended up just a couple feet away. "H-Hagakure! You okay?" I asked to her, while also trying to cope with the extremely big brunt I got to the side of my body.

She seemed to get a similar hit, but on the back rather than the side. "A-Almost..." She said in a tone barely noticeable to me. She certainly got the wind knocked out of her. "W-Where's- Ugh -Where's Mineta?" She asked back to me, and that's when I realized that I wasn't really paying attention to him.

I frantically started looking around, while also exclaiming. "Mineta!" But having a bit of a hard time finding him.

3rd Person's Pov

Everything was calm and serene for everyone. Or at least as it can be in an exam like this, but everyone was focusing on their part either way. The stronger students were having their moment to shine among the rest of the participants, while the weaker ones were given a chance to prove their worth, and outside of this madness, the teachers got to see their class performance, and get an idea of how to train them in the future.

It was all going as planned you would say, or at least it was, until Y/N's sudden outburst. The sheer initial explosion of power he deployed destroyed around 5% of the arena instantly, and then the constant liberation of power from him destroyed the rest at a constant pace of 1% per minute passed. Kind of slow, but definitely steady.

Not everyone noticed the outburst instantly. The people at the entire opposite side of the field, in the industrial area to be precise, heard next to nothing, and most people inside the city buildings barely heard something and felt a light rumble in the floor, which could easily be mistaken for another student using their quirk normally.

But the ones that noticed the outburst were utterly shocked. There's not even enough words to describe how shocked, taken back, and simply awe struck were the ones that were right beside Y/N. The closest one was Ashido, who probably would've been killed by the sudden release of quirks, if it wasn't thanks to her previous fall into the dust Y/N had generated, however, even with that much luck, she didn't escape the grave injuries the blow generated to her, as well as the other students.

They were surely taken back the most by Y/N, but that didn't mean that they were the only ones. There were also those who were fighting with each other just a bit away from the epicenter, but still close enough to get reached by the initial boom. This group received far less injuries, but their confusion was just as big as the first ones.

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