Not As Planned (CH.86)

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Y/N's Pov

As the two of us started clashing our swords, I could notice just how much effort had Shitsuki poured into improving himself. It was something I hated to admit. Not only because he's my enemy, but also because he's stopping me from going to see Eri. But even I had to recognize his efforts, as this was honestly an amazing power up since the last time we met. He had even improved way more that Togaru did in that same amount of time.

Anyway, as much as I thought about this, it didn't change my current situation with Shitsuki, and while I got a bit distracted due to all of this, I wasn't taken advantage through it, so after a second to forget about all of this, I was right back into the fight.

Shitsuki then jumped quite a bit, creating a big gap between the two of us. I didn't even question what was he doing, as I just lunged right at him. This may have been a bit too reckless, but from just the past few minutes, I could already tell that the forms he did with his enlarged sword were way more dangerous than the regular ones, so by no means did I want him to have enough space to use them. "Moon Breathing – Tenth Form: Drilling Slashes, Moon Through Bamboo Leaves." I heard Shitsuki exclaim, as I wasn't able to get to him in time, and instead he managed to swing his sword right at me, but I wasn't too scared, as I actually had something prepared.

Tenth Form: Drilling Slashes, Moon Through Bamboo Leaves – The user creates a long-ranged triple-layered slash twister full of crescent moon blades with a gigantic sword.

The attack itself was pretty dangerous. It didn't have a pretty wide range, which would usually allow me to avoid it easily, but instead, it was very heavy charged, meaning that there were few to no openings infront of it, however, I could still fight my way through, or rather blow.

I instantly got out my nunchucks-like cleavers, and as I started spinning them with one hand to build momentum, I got some of the small bombs with my other hand, and threw them right at Shitsuki's attack. Some of the bombs got far enough to be cut by him, and as they blew up, Shitsuki's attack started wavering, but not enough. I was ready for that though.

The explosions made some of them come back a bit, and now that I had enough momentum with my cleavers, I spun them around at both of my sides, and as I charged right at him, I exclaimed. "Sound Breathing – Fifth Form: String Performance." Since some of the bombs were a bit too close for my liking, I first used my cleavers to move them away, as well as setting them off, interrupting Shitsuki's attack even more.

Fifth Form: String Performance - The user holds the chain of their twin swords and rotates the blades at high speed while charging forward. The spin of the blades without changing grip allows for continual slashes while still being in motion.

With that out of the way, I was able to charge head on, and while I think I did receive some light damage from the small moon blades, I still ended up with the upper hand, as I ended up right infront of Shitsuki. "First Form: Roar." I exclaimed, as I also quickly stopped the rotation on both of my cleavers, raised them up, and instantly threw an attack. I didn't have time to throw any more bombs though, but that wasn't all that bad, since this form specifically doesn't need them all that much, and instead makes good use of my pure strength.

First Form: Roar - The user lifts their twin swords above their head and slams them down with great force, causing a loud sound resembling thunder as a result.

I wasn't able to cut Shitsuki's neck with this attack, but the damage I did to his torso was more than noticeable, as I made to enormous cuts at both sides, and only made one of them follow though, creating way more damage than the other, but allowing this one to be more of an overall hinderance.

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