Back To Class (CH.60)

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Y/N's Pov

I had just told Itsuka the truth about my 'mission' at Kamino, and while I didn't really know what her reaction would be like, I think she had an appropriate one. "WHAT?!!!" She screamed a couple seconds after I told her, and while there were better scenarios, this one wasn't so bad.

"I'm sorry, but I can explain!" I said, and while she was still clearly shocked, she also gave me the chance to talk. "Well, it's just that me and some of my classmates wanted to go save Katsuki, who was captured by the villains back at the camp. Our plan was to not get involved in the fight and just retrieve him from there, but when I felt the quirk of who seemed to be the boss of the League of Villains, I realized how strong he was, and that made me jump in without thinking. Then I was about to leave with the guys, but as we got away from the disaster zone, I felt the quirks of all the citizens that where on the damaged area, and that made me want to help them." I waited for her reaction, which she took quite some time thinking off.

It took her almost three minutes to process all of this, but in the end, she not only managed to calm down, but also said to me. "It's fine. I guess helping like that is what you do, but please, be more careful next time. I almost lost you that time, and I'm sure that it won't be the last." I was a bit embarrassed by that last part, since she was completely right, so I said to her.

"Will do." While also rubbing the back of my neck. We were ready to get right into her training, but before doing so, I had to ask her something. "Hey, Itsu, you're not mad, right?" She didn't look mad at all, but I still wanted to make sure, so I waited for her to answer me.

She took a moment before replying, and after she let out a sigh, she said. "Not really. Stuff like this is to be expected from someone like you. What I'm mostly annoyed about is that you kept it a secret from me, but you just told me, so I guess it's alright, as long as there's no more secrets between us." I nodded at this, since I was sure that there was nothing else that I had to tell her, but at that moment I suddenly remembered what almost happened to me back at Kamino.

I froze in place due to this, and couldn't say anything until I made my mind, and that's when Itsuka called for me, making me snap back to reality. "Y/NN!" She exclaimed, and once I acknowledged her, she continued with. "Are you alright?" It took me a bit more seconds to answer, and then I made up my mind.

"Yeah. Everything's fine." I decided to keep it a secret, but just for bit more. I didn't want her to worry anymore for me, since this week had been really stressful for her, so I was going to wait for things to die down a bit.

Now that we were done with this, I wanted to go back to training, so I asked her. "Well, what technique did you have in mind?" She looked a bit surprised about this, and then said.

"But how are we going to train here?" To which I said, with a bit of a smug grin.

"You don't really think I didn't modify this room?" And then activated the training configuration. As my room started changing, letting the bots out and them taking form, Itsuka was completely amazed by the entire thing, and once they were all finished, I asked to her. "So, what do you think?" To which, after staring amazed for a bit more, she exclaimed.

"It's amazing!" I chuckled a bit at this, and then got a punching bag out for us to use.

"Anyway, what was that idea you had in mind?" I asked her, referring to that technique she had talked about, and once she remembered, she said.

"Right. Well, this is what I thought." And then got infront of the bag to show me. "So you obviously know that punching power comes from the momentum we put on our fists, and while my current technique is almost perfect, that's only for regular fights. So I've been trying to develop a method which will allow me to increase it even more with my quirk." I nodded and kept paying attention to everything she said, and then she finished with. "And this is what I got. My idea is to increase the size of my fists just moments before contact, but right now, I can't get the timing right." Then she made a demonstration, and with my enhanced perception, I could notice that, while it had some effect, there was room for improvement.

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