Starting To Train (CH.59)

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Y/N's Pov

All of my class had decided to do a room contest to see who was the 'Dorm King', but I personally really didn't care, however, I was bored, so I decided to follow them.

Right now, we were about to enter my room, and while I didn't mind it at all, they were all supper ecstatic about it for reason. So, as I opened my room, I said. "Anyway, here we are." And we got inside.

All the excitement that they had built up for this moment suddenly disappeared and they asked. "Is" Looking inside, there was nothing, aside from a little futon on the corner and nothing else, but that was due to the fact that the 'sleeping' mode was active, so I explained it to them.

"Mostly, but that's I don't use anything else when going to sleep. There's a button that can change the room's configuration." While pointing at the control panel for my room. This got them a bit excited, and Mina exclaimed.

"Let's see them all then!" And pressed some buttons, but at that moment, a probe came out and analyzed her for a moment and then said.

[User unidentified. Access restricted.] Then the panel didn't respond anymore, but before they could touch it more, I stopped them, because that would activate the panel's defensive systems, and said.

"Sorry. I forgot I locked this as well." And then I touched one of the buttons. This made the probe come out again, and after analyzing me for a second, it said.

[Mr. Y/N identified, Alpha access granted.] Now we could all control the configurations freely, so I allowed them to see whatever they wanted, and almost immediately, they all started playing with it.

The first configuration they activated was the workout one, and while some of them were really impressed about it, like Eijiro, who was really amazed by the equipment, there were others who weren't impressed as much, like Mina and Toru, who mostly just ignored it.

Following this, they opened the 'Workbench' configuration, where I keep everything that I use for my projects, both the work-related ones, like my hero gadgets, and my personal projects, consisting of my swords. Activating this display also made said swords to come out of my closet, impressing most of them.


"These are so Manly!"

"Did you make this, Y/N?"

I didn't pay attention to any of this, aside from the last question, to which I nodded, and they continued staring.

Since the last time Itsuka watched them, I had continued to work on forging more of this blades, and since then, I had created 5 new ones.

The first one was a replacement for the one I lost back at I-Island, when Wolfram absorbed all that metal at the top of the Central Tower, so it was completely the same as that one.

The following ones were all special models created for specific breathings, so they all varied in shape and size.

The first one was akin to a whip, being extremely thin and flexible for a sword. It also had a hilt shaped like a 4-leaf clover; the leaves having pink core with a golden border, and the blade itself was pink in color.

The next one was actually a bit of a combo, instead of being just one blade, there are two gigantic cleavers that were amber in color, each of them had a notch in the sharp ends of their blades and were held together at the hilt by a metal chain, making it very reminiscent to nunchucks. Both hilts were circular shaped with 4 slight indentations and gold in color, with maroon ring that connects to the center with an outer green border.

The fourth sword was the same as any katana from the handle to slightly above the hilt, but above that, the sword loses its blade and is replaced by a rod that ends in a needle-like tip, resembling an insect's stinger. The sword's hilt was designed to resemble a four-petaled aqua-colored flower, trimmed with orange, while the blade is lavender-blue in color.

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