The Second Part Of The Exam (CH.70)

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Izuku's Pov

Now that Y/N had kind off calm down, we were able to take him away and into a small cave that had form due to his attacks, where we left him along with Uraraka, and as she tried to get him to relax entirely, Iida and I went to look for the rest of our classmates who were blown away.

Fortunately, this time Y/N didn't get to throw them as far away as before, so it was fairly easy for the two of us to find them. While I encountered Sero and Hagakure helping out Aoyama, who had been trapped by a bit of rubble, Iida found Ashido and Mineta fighting, as Mineta apparently fell on top of her chest.

Once all of this had been dealt with, we managed to bring them all back to the spot where we left Uraraka and Y/N. It was good to see that he hadn't exploded into another ball of fear, but his expressions weren't good either, as he was still shaking and sweating a lot.

Everyone seemed confused, but also concerned as to why was he like this, so as I got inside the small cave, I asked to him. "Hey, Y/N. Feeling any better?" However, he didn't even turn to look at me, as he stayed in the same position, and said.

"Kind of...I guess..." And didn't say anything else. Seeing this, Uraraka started patting her back, and trying to call him, but frankly, at this moment we didn't have enough time for this. So, after I quickly instructed for the rest to go eliminate some students so they could pass, I once again looked at Y/N, and asked.

"Y/N, you think you can eliminate some students from the exam? That way we can all go to the break room, and you can take a breather." He honestly looked like if he didn't want to do anything, as he was in such a bad shape, but even then he could understand that this situation wasn't favorable, so he weakly nodded, and so, Uraraka and I took him out of the cave to try and look for someone.

As we got out, we realized that there were actually quite a few students knocked on the entrance that could still be tagged for points. It was a bit confusing, but Uraraka suggested that maybe it was because our classmates wouldn't want to hoard all of the points for themselves, and left a couple for us.

If that's truly what happened, then I was really grateful with them, and so we went to reclaim our points. The first thing we did was get Y/N to the closest unconscious student, and then left him to do his thing.

He was still clearly shaken up by everything that happened, but he was mostly able to hold himself up and get his final point. It was relieving to see that he only needed one more, as it meant that we wouldn't spend more time than needed here.

After he took the student out, and the targets informed that he could leave for the break room, we told him to just wait for a bit while we got our points, and so he did. Uraraka and I quickly found the closest students we could, and immediately took out their targets. One of them tried to ask for mercy, as he was a third year desperate to get his provisional license, but up to this point, I couldn't back off like that, and either way took out his targets.

Now that that was dealt with, we reunited back with Y/N, and as we made our way to the exit, we started encountering our classmates, and by the time we were all reunited, along with Yaoyorozu and a small group she had found during the exam as well, the exit was just a couple feet away, so we went right there.

Once in the break room, there was one staff member who took care of our targets, and now that we could finally relax, we went towards a food table, where we got something to munch on while we waited.

This was the moment when Yaoyorozu and the others that joined noticed that there was something off with Y/N, as when we got to eat, he didn't even come close to the table and simply went towards a corner, where he sat down and started shivering.

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