Done Messing Around (CH.94)

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Mirio's Pov

The sight of one of the bullets gone missing sent me into overdrive per say. I didn't know where it was, because not only did Nemoto not have his gun out, but it had been too little time since Overhaul threw it for him to had taken out a bullet already, meaning that there was one bullet on the lose right now.

I wanted to go take care of Nemoto right away, but just as I was going to do so, a light rumble crossed the entire room, but it wasn't the same as the ones created by Deku and the others trying to come inside the room. This one instead just shook the floor below me a bit, and as I turned to look around, I realized that pretty much any imperfection, any spike, or anything else that could get in the way, was suddenly gone.

This confused me a bit, so I turned to glance at Overhaul, and realized that he had his hand on the floor, telling me that this was his doing. I wasn't sure if I had time to worry about this, but before I could think about that, he sent one spike against me, so I had to dodge. "Nemoto, reload!" He exclaimed, and as I turned to look at Nemoto, I could see him taking out his revolver, and putting a quirk-destroying bullet, into one of the chambers.

I wasn't going to allow this, so I immediately turned my body towards him, and was also planning to faze through any attack that Overhaul may try to send my way, but right when that idea came to my head, I realized something else. 'Eri is out in the open!' I quickly turned to look, and while she was trying to cover herself with my torn off cape, I could see that she was alone and defenseless.

I knew that Overhaul wouldn't let go of this chance to attack her, in order to get an opening from me, so I immediately went towards her. I used every technique I knew in order to increase my speed, but when I was just a couple of steps away, I heard a gunshot. The direction told me that it came from Overhaul, meaning that it could probably be the missing bullet.

I didn't know its trajectory, so I used my quirk on my entire body below the shoulders, so I wouldn't be hurt there, but I couldn't do the same for the arms. My top priority was for Eri to not get injured, and if by any chance, the bullet was going in her direction, I just didn't have time to move her out of the way, at least not without using my body as a way to reduce the bullet's speed.

Just as My hands managed to get to her, I immediately pushed her out of the way, and a stinging pain went through my entire right arm, and as I turned to look at it, I could see that it had been pierced by a bullet. Good news was that I still had my quirk, as the quirk-destroying one was described as more of a dart that, aside from the evident damage to quirks, didn't let much of a mark, just a bruise and a puncture. Bad news, it hurt like hell. By this point in life, I was already used to most pain, both from training and missions, but bullet injuries were always the worst, because of how focused they were, and because depending on how they land, they can leave a part of the body unusable.

This didn't seem to be the case this time, as I still could move my arm, but even bringing it up hurt a lot. I managed to 'shrug' it off though, so I quickly got up, picked Eri with my left arm, and took her away. Fortunately for me, Overhaul hadn't cleaned the furthermost walls with his quirk, so there were a couple of hiding spots for Eri.

I also wanted to show her that the bullet hadn't affect me that much, since she seemed very scared by it when I moved her out of the way, but it seems like I wasn't very good at it, since she saw the injury, and her look of horror became even bigger. "M-Mr. Lemillion, are you alright?" She asked with a pretty scared face, but I just gave her my best smile, and reassured her that I was okay.

She was still scared, and she even seemed to get an idea. "S-S-Should I try to heal it?" And while I was surprised, and maybe even a bit happy that he wanted to help, I didn't think that it was a good idea, since she barely had any control over her quirk, and could either go overboard with it, or drain herself way too much.

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