The Big Three (CH.74)

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Y/N's Pov

Hearing the third year that we should fighting came of quite shocking. I was excited honestly, while most of my class was simply confused. Everyone started asking questions and wondering if he was serious, but before anything else could happen, we first needed Aizawa sensei's approval.

Knowing this, the third year turned to look at him, and then said. "It would be more effective if they could 'feel' our experience with their own body, wouldn't you say so, Eraser Head?!" And while he didn't seem to mind all that much, he did give us permission, and so we went to Gym Gamma.

Once we got there, some of my classmates were still wondering if this was serious, while him, as well as I, started warming up a bit and preparing for the fight. While all of this happened, Amajiki, who was still pretty much by the side, started talking. From where I was I couldn't really hear him, but I could understand what he wanted to say.

He started saying that his classmate shouldn't do this, and that he should just use the regular method, and then said that, since none of us had a really strong will, he should at least go a bit easy on us. I wasn't sure about many things about myself, but I liked to think that my will was strong, so I took this as some kind of challenge.

Following this, Nejire mentioned how, once there was a student who gave up on being a hero, causing a lot of problems and, if he somehow caused anything like this, he would get in trouble.

Now that all of that was out of the way, we all stood infront of him, ready to fight, but just before we started, Fumikage started questioning if this was a good idea, as we all had experience fighting alongside pros, as well as Eijiro, who mentioned that we also had experience against villains, and then asked him if it was correct for us to fight him alone. I personally didn't believe that our experience would be a match for him, as he was a third year, but I simply shut it, and waited for the fight to begin.

The third year said that it was alright, and that we could come right at him. He then asked who would go first, and as Eijiro wanted to take that spot, Izuku won it, as he was clearly more excited from his house arrest. He took interest in Izuku, as he even called Izuku the trouble kid, and we finally got to the fighting part.

We all instantly activated our quirks, and then Izuku went head on first to him, delivering a kick right at his face, however, thanks to his permeation quirk, he was able to avoid it, as his clothes also started coming off, which made sense, however, for the rest of my classmates, this came of as a surprise.

As he quickly fixed up at least his pants, he turned to look at Izuku, and said. "Right for the face, huh?" And as a combined blow got right to his face, in which I participated with Katsuki's quirk, he reactivated his quirk just right on time to avoid them as well. As the dust of the light explosion wore off, we could all see that he had disappeared, but I could already feel him moving below us.

After following him with my gaze for a second, I noticed that he was coming out just behind all the long range, appearing just infront of Kyoka, and basically scaring the life out of her, while also saying. "I guess I should start with the ones at long range!!!" Everyone was shocked about how he just moved, and I could hear some say that his quirk was really strong, and while it wasn't bad, it didn't seem all that strong to me, but that was for later.

Before any of them could react, the Third year just started hitting all of them in the gut, practically knocking them out in one punch, and in just a couple seconds, he was already done with all of our long range, besides me. "Alright class, this is a good opportunity for all of you to be beaten and learn from it." Started saying Aizawa sensei. "From what I know, this guys, Mirio Togata, is the closest one to being the number one, including pros!" More than being shocked by this, I was relieved to at least know his name.

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