Not As Smoothly (CH.98)

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Izuku's Pov

I was starting to get quite nervous, as things had never gone this smoothly before without something suddenly happening before anyone could realize it. I wanted to shrug of this feeling though, seeing as our plan was working quite well, however, I was still a bit nervous.

So, as soon as it was my turn to cause ruckus once again, I immediately kicked several buildings, breaking a few windows in the process, and after sealing it off with a couple car alarms as well, I immediately jumped away from where I was, and after locating the highest building in the area, I quickly climbed it, went inside, and then poked from one of the windows to assess the situation.

From up there I had a clear view of the entire place, and could even somewhat tell where everyone was. I was glad to see that everyone seemed to be at a safe distance from Overhaul, however, he was starting to get faster, which was a bit worrisome. Also, from the spot I was I could see in the general direction we sent Eri, along with the team members that were the most tired, and while I couldn't see them, I was feeling a bit confident that they would at least be even father from Overhaul than us.

I was about to get back to my own spot, when I realized that Overhaul was getting dangerously fast to K's location, and started fearing that possibility that he might catch him. I decided to stay for a second to see if he would catch him, and I seemed to make the right call, as he was about two steps away, and there was no way, K could get out of there in time.

I immediately started to think of a way to take Overhaul's attention, but I also has to be careful enough that he wouldn't find me. I was starting to run out of time, as I could see him approaching K faster and faster, until I went for a last resort, and then, with a 20% punch, I created a huge hole on the side of the building, while also aiming right at Overhaul, hoping that some debris would end up falling on him.

Surprisingly enough, this second part of the plan was successful, as I could hear Overhaul complain from the pain, but at the same time, I'm not sure how positive that was, since right after I could hear Overhaul complain with anger. "Ughh, that's enough!" And with that, I knew that I was really in danger, so I immediately went to hide again, and tried to get out of the building as soon as possible.

Judging from his previous steps, I could tell that Overhaul would maybe take around 30 seconds to get to where I was, so I felt confident that I could get out of there and go back to my spot, though I had to use my quirk at 10%, a bit over my limit, in order to make it in time.

Just when I jumped out of one of the windows though, I was a bit weirded out by that fact that I hadn't heard a simple step from Overhaul yet, despite that fact that a few seconds had already passed. I was curious about this, so I wanted to turn back to look at him, but as I was falling to the ground, I heard a rumble go through the entire building at my back.

I was taken back by this, so as soon as I landed, I turned around to see what I was, and I could see that somehow, Overhaul was already standing there, without having taken a single, and in way less time than I expected.

Mostly out of instinct, I immediately hid behind another building, and then carefully poked out from the corner to look at him, and maybe discover how he managed to move around so fast. While staying there, I heard a couple more alarms and other sounds coming from somewhere else.

I was hoping he would hear them and then go investigate, however, he did take notice of them, but without even turning around to look, he just laughed, and said. "I'm tired of falling by the same trick. I know you're here, and I won't leave until I found you!" I panicked a bit because of this, but hoped that he would at least give me some information before leaving.

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