Eri (CH.76)

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Y/N's Pov

Once Itsuka and I got to the movies we started looking through the ones in display and tried to decided which one to watch. Unfortunately, there wasn't anything that I knew, and after looking a bit into all of them, I also realized that none of them were really my style, so I wasn't attracted to any of them, however, this wasn't the same for Itsuka. She found an action-based movie, and since she also likes that genre, we decided to go see that one.

Again, we argued about who should pay, and I only got her to allow me to pay for the tickets, while she paid the food, but since we just ate, we settled on just some soda and popcorns to share, so it wasn't really that much, and then, we went to watch the movie.

As the movie rolled in, the two of us paid attention to it, however, after a couple of minutes, it started losing most of my focus. The first part had a bit of lore in general, as well as showing us some characters, as well as a possible romance, but I also felt like it was filled with a lot of comedy, which mostly due to my quirk, is probably the style of movie I like the least. Not hate, but rather just uninterested in general.

I hoped that the second part would be better, and while the action presented during this segment was pretty good, the story wasn't all that interesting to me. A bunch of the lore was actually cut off by more jokes, which cut me off quite a lot. Something I did like was how they tried to develop the romance side-story, but unfortunately, it was cut off pretty quickly by more jokes and more action segments. I mean, it makes sense in an action movie, but I still didn't like it.

Once it got to the third and final part, it started getting a bit more of my attention, as it had the best action of the entire movie, and it also closed the side stories pretty well, however, they all seemed to be interrupted every once in a while by more jokes.

Overall, while I didn't hate the movie or anything, it wasn't my style at all, and on top of that, the parts that I did like, weren't as good as how they would be on my romance movies. One thing though, was that I didn't dislike my experience neither. While the movie wasn't really my thing, I loved seeing Itsuka enjoy the movie. She laughed out loud at a bunch of jokes, and her expression showed that she was really invested in the action as well.

At about half of the movie, I mostly stopped paying attention to the movie, and instead I snuggled with Itsuka, and while she kept her eyes on the screen, I just relaxed, while resting my head on her shoulder.

The movie took around an hour and a half, so as we walked out of the cinema, while it wasn't dark yet, it was just some minutes away from twilight, so we started walking back to U.A. It wasn't that far away, so we didn't ride the bus or train, and still got back in less than an hour, around 43 minutes to be precise.

Once we were back, we still wanted to spend some time together, so we went to see Vlad sensei, in order for me to get a permit to stay for the night. When we got to him, pretty much like earlier today, he seemed to be expecting us, and quickly gave us a form allowing me to stay. It was still surprising just how quick he was with all of this, but we didn't question it all that much, and were just grateful with him.

After that, the two of us went back to her dorm, and as we walked in, we were promptly greeted by our friends, who had gotten back before us. We greeted them back, and for the next couple minutes we catched up with them. It was surprising to hear just how much they had done while we were out, as not only did they went to the roller skates or to the laser tag, but they also spent a while on the arcade, ate some ice cream, and much more, however, they weren't the only ones who had a good time.

Once they asked us what we did, I could see Itsuka light up a bit, and then she instantly started telling them about all the stuff we did. She gave through detail about our food at the café earlier today, she told them about how our bowling game went, even recognizing that I did better than usual, while I also reassured them that she had been spectacular, and then told them about the movie, which Tetsutetsu and Pony said they would go see soon, as they had wanted to see it for quite a while now, so we were light on the spoilers for them.

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