The Unknown Breathing (CH.46)

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Itsuka's Pov

I had been running around with both Yui and Honenuki on my hands, trying to look for the camp, but despite how hard I looked, I couldn't find anything, until after multiple minutes, I heard someone call my name. "Kendo!!" As I looked at the source, I noticed that it was Tetsutetsu, who was not only carrying an unconscious Ibara, but also had some sort of gas masks on.

"Guys! What's with those masks?" He took a moment to grab something from his pocket, while saying.

"Yaoyorozu, from Class A, made them for us! Awase took her to the safe zone to try and ask for help! Here, we have many of them, so please use them!" And he handed us some of those gas masks, for us.

"Thanks! Now we have to get back quickly to the main facility! With no idea of where are the villains, it's too dangerous for us to stay on open field." As I said this, I freed Yui and Honenuki, and handed them their masks, while putting on mine, however, Tetsutetsu didn't liked what I said, and replied.

"No! I'll stay and fight. I'm leaving Shiozaki's security on your hands." I was shocked by this, well, not that much, since this could be expected from him, but I still had to give him a piece of my mind.

"What?!!! I'm pretty sure they strictly told us to avoid combat!!!" However, he didn't seemed concerned by this at all, and instead said.

"I know, but think about it, Y/N has been training us for quite some time already, not only that, but he also started in this school at the same moment as us, and there's still a great gap between us." I was about tell him that that was because Y/N was just at another league from us, but he wasn't finished, and continued with. "I know that most of it is due to his raw talent, but there's something else, not on how strong he is, but on how he fights! And there's only one difference in our experiences, the dangers he has faced! He looks directly at the danger, and doesn't feel fear! He attacks it head on, always looking to protect everyone! So we must do the same! And anyway, what kind of hero class would we be, if we turned a blind eye against those who threaten other people's lives!" I was starting to feel a little bad, because what he was saying, was something that, deep down, I felt as well. So, when he finished talking, I wanted to say something. "Don't try to stop me, Kendo! As a member of Class 1-B, from hero studies, it is my duty to stand up for what I believe! Right here! Right Now! So I'm going to find them! And when I do, I swear I'll crush them!"

"Okay, but I'm going with you." This not only surprised him, but Yui also seemed shocked by it, and I then continued. "To be honest with you, I kinda...get what you're saying, but there's no way I'll let you go there alone, it's too dangerous, so I'm coming with you!" As I finished saying this, he still seemed surprised, but quickly caught up to it, and nodded. "Yui, sorry to ask you this, but can you take them back to the shack?" She didn't hesitate, and said.

"Yes, you two go, I'll take care of them." We thanked her, and we started moving. I already had an idea of where should we go, but I still needed to gather more information to prove it. As we made our way around, I remembered Y/N, and hoped that nothing bad happened to him. 'Well, he's really strong, and there's no swordsman better than him, he should be fine.'

Y/N's Pov

"And just who the heck are you?" Asked Togaru, while both of us stared at that mysterious figure on the tree. I was trying to get a more careful approach, first analyzing his aura, and trying to deduce his fighting style, while Togaru seemed quite aggressive, putting himself in a lungging position, and was just moments away from going directly to attack whoever was up there.

Just looking at his aura was a bit scaring, because it had a lot of effects, and I still couldn't determine all of them, but I could confirm that it gave him a regenerative ability, just like mine, but a bit slower, probably from lack of training, but everything else that I found, was also intimidating. While I did all of this, he jumped closer to us, but still leaving a gap between us, and then introduced himself. "My name doesn't matter to anyone, so you can call me, Shitsuki."(Death Moon...I think) And as he said this, I finished with his aura.

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