Classmates (CH.69)

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Izuku's Pov

We all discussed how to take Y/N back with us to the resting area. And while some of them tried to drag him, I simply suggested that someone should piggyback him, and after some awkward looking at their attempts, they agreed.

"Alright, so who takes him?" I asked, as Y/N was lying on the floor, waiting to be picked up.

"I'll take him!" Lightly exclaimed Ashido, and immediately ran to help him. It was weird to see her so excited to help, but judging by her face expression, it was a bit clear that she had a couple second intentions. Either way, none of us put too much thought into this, and just let her do her thing.

Once she was just beside Y/N, Ashido kneeled down and tried to bring him up, however, she apparently couldn't, and instead grunted out. "W-Wow, he's heavier than he looks." And then placed him down before her back hurt.

Seeing as it wasn't as smooth sailing as we anticipated, Uraraka walked closer to them, and said. "Let me help with that." And while she didn't lighten Y/N entirely, because that would take a really big toll on her, she did make all his clothing and gadgets weightless, so when Ashido went to give it another try, she was able to pull him up with some effort, and we were on our way.

We all slowly made out way out of the crater, so we wouldn't wake Y/N or disturb him too much, however, as we did this, I could notice that he seemed a bit uncomfortable and sweaty, probably from everything that had happened up to this point, so we made sure to slow down a bit, and let him rest as best as we could.

This also made us get out of there after quite some time, but son enough, we were out of the crater, and had to focus on the next task at hand. "Alright, so any ideas on how to get Y/N to pass the exam?" Asked Iida, to which none of us immediately replied to.

Looking around, there were plenty of immobilized students, either by being trapped by all the debris created by Y/N, or due to being knocked out by him, sometimes both, but either way, a quick counting confirmed that there were enough of them for all of us to pass this part, Y/N included, but we still didn't know how to make him count.

"What if we place one of his balls on his hand, and then use his arm to throw it at someone's target?" Suggested Mineta, and while it sounded like a plan, or at least an idea to start with, we didn't know if that would towards Y/N's count of students or us. Either way, we kept thinking.

Unbeknownst to us, there was someone in our area conscious enough to take some action. A bit far away from us, what I would assume were ten feet at much, there was a guy still awake, however, he was trapped at the moment, reason why we didn't pay attention to him.

Due to the distance I couldn't notice if he muttered something or not, but whether he did or not, right after, he rose his arm at us, and the air suddenly started spinning. At first slow, making us believe that it was a simple wind current, but the more time it passed, the stronger it got, up to th point were it felt like a hurricane. "W-What is this?!" Exclaimed Aoyoma, while all of us did our best effort to stay in place and not fly away.

Spiral: The user can generate a circular momentum that can be transferred to anything the user touches. However, the speed must be built up, and slowly increase to the desired speed. The harder the substance the more difficult the spinning becomes.

As everyone looked around like crazy, trying to locate the source of the outburst, I focused on the way in which the air moved, and realized that it wasn't moving randomly, but rather following a pattern, which was pretty weird for the wind to take naturally, so after following it with my eyes for a bit, I located the source, and the guy that was doing all of this.

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