Showing The Improvement (CH.28)

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Itsuka's Pov

After I was done talking to Y/N, I put my phone away and walked back to the table, when Y/N had mentioned his idea, I walked away, just so I could get a bit of privacy, but everything went well, so I was fine, when I got back, Uwabami had leaved, and Yaoyorozu said that it was because she had something to attend to, after that, she asked me how everything went, and I could see a bit of worry in her eyes, so I just calmed her that everything went well, at first she didn't seemed to believe me, but when she realized that my mood had actually improved, she believed it,

Then everything went normal, we did our usual internship, and Uwabami actually showed us one of her commercials, in which we participated, and to be honest, it was kinda embarrassing, and Yaoyorozu seemed to start regretting her decision for the first time since we got here, she had admitted that it wasn't what she expected, but now her face was full of regret, which was kinda fun, after that, Uwabami finally took us in a patrol, the whole patrol was really uneventful, except for all the fans that stopped Uwabami for a photo or something, but it felt way better than the photoshoots and filming commercials.

After we were done with everything, we returned to the agency, there we ate dinner and went to sleep, as I got to my room, I waited for some time, when Y/N finally arrived, as he appeared through his portal, I got up from the bed and smiled at him, so he returned the smile, then when I was about to hug him, he did first and hugged me tightly, this surprised me, but I just chuckled and returned the embrace.

When we broke the hug, we got everything settled, and went to sleep, at the moment were we usually snuggled with each other, Y/N took more time doing it and did it in a more gentle way, which made giggled, Y/N apologized for this, but I said that it was fine, so he continued a bit more, which I really enjoyed, and after that we fell asleep.

After some time of sleeping, I woke up after feeling Y/N shake a bit, when I looked at him, there were some tears flowing from his eyes, I got worried about this and wiped some of them away, I was about to try and wake him up to calm him, but before I did, a smile formed on his lips and he hugged me even tighter, I got surprised, but looking at him, there were no more tears and he seemed pretty relaxed, so instead I gave him a kiss on the cheek and went back to sleep on his chest.

Timeskip to the morning

Y/N's Pov

When I woke up, I felt extremely relaxed and fresh,  and looking at Itsuka, she was still asleep, but she seemed to be sleeping greatly, so instead of waking her up, I just placed her in the bed, covered her with the blankets, and left a note for when she woke up, then I returned to the hospital, no one was awake there either, so I gathered my stuff quietly, and left to the gym.

When I arrived and got to K, before starting with the training, he made the doctors in the facility check me again, and when they made sure I was really fine, I was let go to continue my training, K just gave me a normal training, like the rest of days from this week, but I insisted on pumping it up, not only so I could compensate from the day before, but because I also wanted to improve my condition as fast as possible to use my breathing techniques, at first K didn't liked the idea, because my body had just repaired, but since I insisted to much, he complied, so I spent the rest of the day getting my body to the limit, and learning more breathing techniques, since I already knew the basics, I could learn the rest of the Thunder Breathing and the entire Flame Breathing, however, I still couldn't learn the last form for both breathings, since they were the most powerful forms of each one, and they were really complicated, but I got a decent idea of how to use them, I also started working on my Constant Total Concentration, so I could improve my physical condition constantly, but since this was way harder, so I could only extend the time I used the Total Concentration Breathing, but I thought that it was enough. 

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