The Nightmare (CH.12)

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Kendo's Pov

I had my face buried into Y/N's chest, hugging him and sobbing tears of joy, apparently some people were staring at us, but I didn't care, I was just happy of having him again, after some minutes of being there we returned to his room, he sat down on the edge of the bed, and I sat on a chair next to him, his friends stayed for a while to make sure he was okay, but after a while they left us alone, when they were leaving Uraraka told me 'Good luck with him' With a grin on her face, that reminded me a lot to my mother's one from today's morning, which got a little blush from myself, a while after they left us alone we just started chatting about random things, as we always did, though I could notice some changes in him, his facial expressions were never a big deal, but the ones he was giving now weren't like the ones he normally did, and it made me worry a bit "Hey Y/N, are you feeling alright?" I asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, it's just that since you woke up, and moments before you passed out at the U.S.J, you seemed , I don't know, like bored, your gazes seems off, and you aren't as expressive as before, and I'm just worried, you know?" I explained, with blush in my face.

"To be honest, since the U.S.J, everything has just been, slower, like literally, I feel the time go by slower, that honestly just makes everything be boring, I don't really feel like doing anything, except talking with you, it makes me feel good, and apparently it's the only thing that does so." He said with a weak, but warm, and genuine smile, I just started getting fidgety by his words, after all the stress I had during the day, a talk with him was just what I needed, him being so serious and protecting, yet so caring and thoughtful, just made me love him even more, I had to concentrate really hard to stop me from lunging forward to him and kiss him, however, while I was contemplating the idea of just dropping it and doing it, the doctor came back.

"Glad to see you're doing good Mr.Y/N, we're gonna need you to come with us to do some last checkups." He reluctantly got up, and surprised the doctor, who still didn't knew that he could already walk freely, then both of them leaved to the room where they would check him up, while they did that, I called my mom to tell her that I might arrive a bit late, since I wanted to stay with Y/N as long as I could, however, when I called her I didn't told her exactly that, but it didn't mattered because she figured it out by herself, when Y/N came back he told me that the result of those tests would be given to us in a couple of hours (A/N I'm not sure if that's how this works) and that depending on the results of them they would let him leave today or stay a little longer, I then motioned for him to lay down with me in hospital bed, to which he gladly did, I was now more confident around him, accepting my feelings towards him did really help, we just continued talking until the doctor came back with Y/N's test results "Ok, Mr.Y/N, I have your results, and you're free to go, you're surprisingly well, not even a single wound, the only worrying thing is your brain activity, it seems to be way faster than normal, however, it isn't necessary for you stay."

At that moment, Y/N got up and started getting his belongings that he had with him, when he was ready, he look towards me and said "Ready to go?" I just nodded and shot up from the bed, when we were leaving the room, Y/N just bowed at the doctor, but I had too much to thank him for.

"Thanks for bringing him back doc!" I said, with an almost-90 degree bow.

He just chuckled at this and said "No worries, that's my job, just keep an eye on your boyfriend." And with that he left, to attend another patient I assume, however, I just stayed there with a blush, but this one was different of the other one of today, now rather than being too embarrassed or surprised, I was just happy, the idea of being with him was really pleasant 'Do I really look like his girlfriend' I thought with a blush and a closed-eye smile, I apparently took too much time thinking, because Y/N called for me.

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