The Beginning of the Tournament-Y/N vs Ochako (CH.16)-Part 3

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Y/N's Pov

We were now waiting for Izuku and Hitoshi to start "NOW, BEGIN!" Screamed Present Mic, I was half expecting for Izuku to go on a head start towards Hitoshi, at least that would be the best for him, but none of them did, they stood there talking for a bit, Hitoshi was probably trying to get Izuku hypnotized, after a little while everyone seemed to get frustrated, because they didn't start fighting, but at that moment something odd happened, Izuku just started walking out of the ring, everyone forgot their frustration and were now confused.

"What's Deku-kun doing?"

"Is he running away?"

Then they asked me about the situation "Hey Y/N, what's that other guy's quirk?"

"Brainwash, if he speaks, and someone answers him verbally, he can control that person to a certain degree." They seemed to understand that, and now they were aware of the situation, and now we were only expecting there, waiting for something else to happen.

Now Izuku was near the edge of the ring, and I was getting really nervous, him getting eliminated this early in the competition would be disappointing,and sad, he was now a one step away of getting eliminated, but before he could get out, an immense stream of air appeared, "What was that!" Exclaimed Kaminari, looking closer Izuku now seemed to be in control of himself, after it they finally started fighting, without considering their quirks, both of them seemed pretty equal, but in the end, Izuku got him to the edge, and won.

"AND THE WINNER IS IZUKU MIDORIYA!!!" Screamed Present Mic, everyone of the class was cheering for Izuku, except for Katsuki, but that is to be expected, after a while the next contestants came up "NOW, FOR THE NEXT BATTLE, WE HAVE TWO PROMISING STUDENTS FROM THE SAME CLASS, SHOTO TODOROKI, SON OF ENDEAVOR, AND HANTA SERO, A MORE AVERAGE STUDENT, BOTH FROM CLASS 1-A" Then Izuku got up with us, and he seemed alright, except his fingers, which were bandaged, and looked painful, he came and sat down near me.

"Hey Izuku, are your fingers all right?" I asked.

"Y-Yeah, they're fine." He stuttered, his expression, and the way he spoke, showed that his fingers did hurt, but since he seemed okay overall, I just shrug it off, looking back at the stadium, the battle had started, Hanta shot his tapes, and wrapped Shoto with them, I wanted to get a closer look, so I stood up and leaned a bit against the railing, I was curious as to what Shoto hadn't used his quirk yet, I guessed he was gonna use more strategic play, but instead, he shot an immense chunk of ice against Hanta, and it was so big, that it catched me inside it, I was surprised, but when I catched up with, I copied Endeavor's quirk, and heated myself enough to free me, after I sat down, I got asked if I was okay, and I just calmed them and said that nothing happened to me, after we settled down and looked back at the stadium, Shoto started melting the ice and he had already won. 

"AND SHOTO TODOROKI GOES TO THE NEXT ROUND" After this match, the following ones were pretty dull, Denki went against Momo, she just covered herself with an insulating material until his quirk overcharged and made him basically an idiot, after that it was easy for her just to take him outside the ring, the next one was between Tenya and Hatsume, the most boring one to be honest, it was basically a ten minute ad about Hatsume's inventions, it was alright that she wanted to get the attention from the companies that could help her, but it truly was a boring match, however, the next one was more interesting, but wasn't really great, it was Ashido vs Yuga, at first they seemed equal, but after a while of fighting, Ashido burnt his belt with her acid, and without it, Yuga is pretty much defenseless, and Ashido just finished him off with a hit to his chin.

After a while of this battles, and being a bit bored, Katsuki and Fumikage came up to the ring "AND NOW, FOR THE NEXT MATCH, WE HAVE WHO MIGHT BE THE ANGRIEST STUDENT FROM THE FIRST YEAR, KATSUKI BAKUGO, AND OPPOSING HIM, IS THE DARKEST STUDENT FROM THE SAME CLASS, FUMIKAGE TOKOYAMI!!!" Both of them got into position, Katsuki darted towards Fumikage, while he just let out Dark Shadow, Katsuki tried to evade him, and blast Fumikage, but Dark Shadow, got him before he did it, Katsuki was being hold tightly by Dark Shadow, he seemed to be get frustrated, and set up an explosion, that let him escape its grasp, Katsuki then continued sending explosions to Dark Shadow, however, he seemed to get weaker and weaker with every explosion, and Katsuki seemed to notice why, I knew that Dark Shadow gets weaker the more light there is, and now that Katsuki did too, I knew he had already won this, the match went on for some minutes, were Katsuki was blasting Dark Shadow with explosions, that made a big bunch of light, when Dark Shadow was weakened enough, Katsuki went to Fumikage and pinned him to the ground, then Fumikage surrendered "AND KATSUKI BAKUGO WINS, AND GETS HIS OWN SPOT IN THE NEXT ROUND!!!" Now the next contestants were, Togaru and Eijirou, I honestly was interested in this match, if Togaru was so excited about our rematch, I wanted to see how well would he do in here, because, to be honest, I was also looking forward to our battle, and hoped for him to win this match, so we got ours.

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