Waking Up (CH.103)

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Y/N's Pov

After having blacked out infront of Aizawa sensei and the other heroes, I had what was probably the worst sleep of my life. Luckily, I didn't have any real nightmares, as I was simply too out of it, and the only thing in my mind was the pain and discomfort I felt from the fight.

After a few hours though, I finally started getting my consciousness, but unfortunately, this also meant that my sense of feeling became more and more vivid with each minute that passed, making the pain worse. Nothing unbearable at least, but I was definitely better off like I was before.

After another while passed, I finally felt like I was able to wake up, so I slowly started opening my eyes, and after a few seconds, I could finally see around me. The place was one I knew very well, a hospital like any other. I was a bit disappointed that I didn't see Itsuka around when I first opened my eyes, unlike the other times, but I could assume that it was probably due to the stricter rules of the dorms probably making her unable of leaving as much as before.

I then decided to look out the window, and I could see that it was apparently just morning, as the sun was barely rising, meaning that she probably was still in class. Now that that was out of the way I tried to get up from the bed I was in, since I was a bit tired from just lying there, but almost as soon as I tried to lay some weight on my legs, I felt myself get dizzy, so I sat back down.

I tried taking some deep breaths so I could try getting up once more, since truthfully, more than the dizziness, the surprise was what got me to sit down again, but before I got a chance to try that, I could hear someone entering the room behind me.

I'll admit that it was somewhat hoping that it would be Itsuka, though as I had already confirmed, she was still in school so that wasn't the case. Instead, once I turned around, I could see that it was a nurse, who as soon as she saw me up, she said. "Oh, it's good to see you awake, Mr. Yu, but I would advise you to stay in bed. The doctors still need to run a few checkups on you before you're allowed to get up. Now, if you allow me." She then got closer to me, and after helping me get back in bed, she handed me a glass of water and accommodated the bed in a more comfortable position, so I wouldn't be laying down, but rather sitting on it.

This was helpful, as I honestly didn't want to lay down anymore at least, and as I drank the glass of water, I said. "Thank you." Once I got done with it, I placed the cup down on the bedside table. I wasn't really thinking about anything else at that moment. Most of my focus was mostly on trying to reduce the discomfort I was feeling as much as I could, however, the nurse seemed to have something on her mind.

After putting a lot more thought into the placing the pillows than she probably should've, I could hear her say. "You know, I was very impressed when I heard everything you went through." I was honestly not paying her attention, but she still continued talking regardless. "I've always been amazed by heroes, and to find one so young and yet so powerful, I couldn't help but become a fan." At that moment, I did become a bit weirded out by this, so I slightly glanced at her, and I could see that she must be around 20 years old or something, probably doing some work studies for her university, so I simply ignored her, but that's when she said something that struck to me. "And honestly, knowing that all of this was to save one little girl. That was just fascinating." I didn't care at all about what she said, but what I cared about, was the fact that I had forgotten about Eri.

I was too tired to really think, so she never crossed my mind, but now that the nurse mentioned her, I suddenly realized that I hadn't even checked up on her before passing out. The last thing I remember was her falling as asleep after we saved Izuku, but I didn't take the time to make sure that she was okay after that. I had just recklessly used her quirk like that, and now I didn't even know if she was in the hospital.

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