The I-Island Incident (CH.36)

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Y/N's Pov

Me and Itsuka were walking down a hallway in our hotel, and directly towards the Central Tower, when Itsuka started covering her hand, while trying to hide her giggle, with little success. "What is it?" I asked, she took a second to calm down, and then replied.

"Sorry, it's just that your phrases are so cool, but so out of place when said by you *Giggle*, you sure do read a lot silly stuff." I chuckled, and while I rubbed the back of my neck, I said.

"Yeah, I really do." We continued chatting on our way, when, at the middle of it, Itsuka received a call on her phone, she seemed confused at first, and when we looked at it, it read 'Iida', Itsuka took the call, but when she was approaching the phone to her ear, a scream came out.

[Kendo! Where are you two?! You're already late!] Itsuka was a bit stunned by this sudden scream, but quickly said.

"Sorry Iida, we're on our way." Then she placed her phone, directly over her ear, so I could no longer hear what Tenya said, when Itsuka's expression changed to a confused one. "But we haven't heard any more ringing?" This sounded weird, but I could only wait for her to finish. "Anyways, see you there. Bye." She then put away her phone, and before I could ask anything, she first said. "Hey Y/NN, did you brought your phone?" I was sure that I've brought it, but before answering, I wanted to be completely sure of it, so I checked in my pockets, and noticed something.

"No, I probably left back at the room, I would normally bring a copy of it in my suit, but you made me leave it." I said, she scoffed at the last part, and replied.

"Well, I just didn't thought that it would be necessary, we're only going to a party." I didn't want to argue over this, because she was right, it's just a quick party, but I asked something else.

"Do you think I should go back for it?" She said that no, and after thinking about this for a bit, I agreed, if something happened, it could wait until we were done with the party, so we just continued walking.

When we arrived, we greeted everyone that was already there, which were only Tenya, Shoto, Denki, and Minoru, Itsuka then asked Tenya where everyone was, while I menacingly glanced at Denki and Minoru, for staring at Itsuka for too much time, which got them to stop, then Tenya got visibly upset, and said that no one took the punctuality seriously, but following these, Izuku arrived, and we greeted him, afterwards, he asked the same as Itsuka, and Tenya complained again, after some moments, I felt someone approaching, that I recognized as Ochako, and following behind her, I spotted Momo and Kyoka coming as well, soon enough, my prediction became true, and all three of the girls appeared, what was weird for me was that Melissa was just behind them, I questioned myself for some seconds, how wasn't I able to detect her, but then I remembered that she was quirkless, and that I'm unable to detect them, rather than being annoyed by this, I was mainly amused, they were the only people capable of sneaking up on me, which sometimes made me shiver a bit.

We were all gathered now, except for two people, Eijiro and Katsuki, Tenya tried to call them, to see if they were coming, or if something happened, but none of them answered, which seemed to annoy him, now we all discussed if we waited for them, or if we went to the party, in the end, we decided that it was better if we went in, because we were already a bit late, and we would try to check on those two later, but before we could even enter the party, a emergency alarm popped up. [WARNING! A bomb has been detected on I-Island, please go indoors until everything is solved.] We were all shocked by this sudden announcement, but Melissa was mostly confused.

"This isn't how the security system reacts to a bomb threat, something must be wrong." This got us even more shocked, and we then tried to use our phones to call for help, but nobody had signal, so that was a dead end, when Izuku got an idea.

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