Almost Together (CH.93)

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Mirio's Pov

After my perfect prediction to Chrono picking up his gun to aim at me, I kept on fighting, and it was going perfect. It seemed like after Izuku's call, and the confirmation that I wasn't as deep below ground as I expected, my mind had cleared itself to a certain degree, and my body moved way better.

Right after stopping Chrono, I turned to look at Overhaul with a simple glance, and after making sure that he would at least take a couple of seconds before getting up again, I went back with Eri. I think that I usually would've gone to finish the job, but I had left her to the side for quite a while, and she was probably getting pretty scared, so I wanted to make sure that she was alright at least.

My first idea was to go below the ground and appear infront of her, since that would easily be the fastest approach, but at the same time, I was pretty certain that it would scare her quite a lot. Instead, I submerged just as planned, but I came out a couple feet infront of her, and with a great spin to show some flashiness, I landed right infront of her. "Hey, Eri! How are you doing do far?" I asked to her, while also flashing a smile as bright as I could, and patting her head slightly.

She was initially shocked, for obvious reasons, but after quickly catching up to it, she started nodding, while also faintly saying. "Y-Yes..." I was glad to hear this, but I couldn't get too cocky right now.

Seeing as I still had a couple of seconds left for the two of them to wake up, I decided to use that time to look closely at this place, and see if there was actually a way out. I kept my hand on Eri, so I could keep petting her head, while also perking up my head and turning to look around. My idea was to find a crack of sorts or something else I could use, but instead, I found a passageway that lead right out of the room and onto the dark.

At first, I was confused by this, and since the only logical reason for me was that it must be a gate away passage, I assumed that Overhaul created it. This then left two possibilities. Either it went all the way back to their main headquarters, so it could be as safe as possible, or instead, it came out somewhere in the city, most probably an alleyway or something, making it pretty fast to get in and out.

It was a tempting solution to my current situation, but I couldn't predict which one was it, because they actually had good reasoning for both of them. On one hand, maybe they build it before hand, and waited for their first opportunity to use it, or instead, when they barely got the notice that Y/N left the hospital, they got as close as they could, and created this passage in a few moments.

One alternative was pretty rewarding and the other one was pretty risky. In the end, I couldn't decide, but it didn't matter much, because right at that moment, when I was gonna turn to look at Eri in order to take care of her, the passage suddenly closed off, and while surprising at first, I quickly knew what it was. "D-Don't even think that...that you're gonna get away from me!" Exclaimed a pretty tired and beaten up Overhaul, as he also did his best to get up.

I was a bit frustrated by this, but decided to mostly ignore it, and instead went back with Eri. "Don't even try it Overhaul. There's nothing you can do to take her away from me. You're too injured to even stand up straight!" He couldn't even answer from hos bad he was, but at that moment, he simply touched his chest, and rebuild himself, something that I had forgotten for a moment.

Once he was better, Overhaul just took a deep breath, and as he turned to look at me again, he said. "Don't think that I'm even nearly done with you! That girl is of my property, and I'll get her back! By any means necessary!" I quickly got into a fighting stance, while Overhaul turned to look at Chrono and muttered something to him. Shortly after, Chrono started getting up, but that wasn't a big concern for me. I had take away his gun, and seeing as this was the second time I did it, I was a bit safer to assume that he didn't have any others.

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