Meeting The Gang (CH.109)

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Y/N's Pov

As we got closer to my class, I could already feel everyone inside there, which honestly made me feel a bit nervous, but I simply took a deep breath, turned to look at Eri, and felt revitalized. "Hey, sweetie, would you like to walk a bit?" I asked to her, as honestly, my arm was starting to get a bit numb from her being there, and after thinking about it for a second, she nodded at me, and so, I put her down.

After that, we barely had to take a few steps before being infront of the door to class 1-A, and just from being there, I could tell that Eri was starting to get nervous as well as me, so I kneeled closer to her, and asked. "Everything alright, Eri?" To which she didn't really answer, but from her way of acting, I could tell just how nervous she actually was, which honestly made sense, since it's not like she had the best impression meeting everyone yesterday, and this was definitely too much of a crowd for her, so I did my best to reassure her. "Don't worry, sweetie. Everything will be alright. Everyone in there, is focusing on their work, so it won't be loud at all, and I'll be by your side all the time. I promise. I just need you to stay quiet, and everything will be okay, can you do that for me?" She was still fidgeting around a bit after this, but in the end, she nodded at me, and so, we finally walked inside.

When we got it, I noticed that Aizawa sensei was still going through the list of names to check attendance, and as he saw me come in, he said. "Y/N. Just in time. I was about to call for you, but first, I'll have to ask. Why are you late?" However, as he asked this, he turned to look at my side, where Eri was standing, and so he continued with. "Of course. I'm assuming you went to talk with Principal Nezu. Did he give you a permit?" I quickly nodded at this, as I walked away from the door, and towards his desk, where I handed him the permit, and after looking at it for a second, he finished with. "Very well. Go to your seat already." I lightly bowed at him as a thanks, and then took Eri with me to my seat.

Once we got there though, I realized that I had made a pretty major over slip, as hadn't thought about Eri's sit, and she even took notice of this, as she asked me. "Where do I sit, Daddy?" O I had to think about something quickly.

It took me a second, but after quickly through the quirks available to me right now, I immediately thought of something. "I got it." I lightly said, as I copied Momo's quirk, and got to work. My first thought was to make her the entire seat in one go, but that would prove difficult while wearing the school uniform, so instead, I just created a bunch of wooden planks of the perfect size, as I then fused them together with Yosetsu's quirk, and set them up as a little seat for Eri, just right by me. "There you go. I promise to get you something better by tomorrow." I said to her, however, she didn't seem to mind, she just looked extremely happy, and sat right there, while I got on my place.

Now that it was all done, Aizawa sensei could finally keep going with the list, and after that, with the rest of the class. Fortunately, what I hadn't forgotten was what Eri would do through the day, as I did pack some crayons and some paper so she could draw and paint for a bit.

After that, once she started drawing with her crayons, I turned to pay attention to Aizawa sensei, and that's how the rest of our day went. While I focused as much as I could on my lessons, Eri would be to my side, simply drawing and doing her thing. She was surprisingly obedient with what I told her as well, since she didn't speak pretty much at all the entire class, and would only distract me to show me a few of her drawings a few times, but even then, she would make sure not to do so while the teachers were talking, which was incredibly useful, as I really had to focus to get back on track.

This went on for a few hours, until it was time to go to lunch. I then put away all of my stuff for the moment, and turned to look at Eri, who was still extremely focused on her drawing. It took her a bit, but she was finally able to notice that everyone was getting up and walking out of the classroom, which confused her quite a bit, so she turned to look at me and asked. "Where's everyone going, Daddy?" This made me let out a chuckle, as I then got up as well, and as I got closer to her, I said.

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