The First Job Done (CH.26)-Part 5

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Izuku's Pov

I had been catched by a winged nomu, who immediately took off with me within his claws, and couldn't do anything but stay there shocked, and wait, even the pros and Gran Torino didn't act on time, but what was extremely surprising, was Y/N, since we left the alley he seemed to be completely out of the zone, with hardships to even concentrate during a talk, but now his eyes showed a clarity even bigger than anyone from there, soon enough he assumed a kneeled position and he activated that electric power he had already used against Stain, then in a split second, he cut down one of Nomu's wings, this made him fall until we hit the ground, when suddenly Stain came, and finished off Nomu with a knife to his exposed brain, looking back at Y/N, he also looked surprised, but quickly returned with the pros and prepared for a new attack, then Stain started giving a speech of his point of view, and doing so in his terrible state was really menacing, at the middle of this, Endeavor arrived, but this only angered him even more, and his menacing aura only intensified, everyone got scared by this, almost all the pros falled back because of the fear, and the ones that didn't gave at least one step back in fear, while I couldn't even compose myself, my legs didn't had the strength to get me back up, everyone stared in disbelief, except for one person, Y/N, he instead of stepping back, he went onward, he took out his sword and got into a different stance, but that wasn't the only thing that changed, his aura used to emit thunders all around his body, but when he changed of stance, they disappeared, and instead his body seemed to be covered by a powerful flame that started growing until it matched Stain's menacing aura, both of them seemed as if they were about to start fighting, when Stain stopped speaking and instead fell unconcious while standing, we all got surprised by this, except Y/N, who instead seemed relieved, then he walked up to Stain to check on him, after he did that, he turned back to ask to the pro's about the civilians, and all of them confirmed that everyone was out of danger, hearing this, he relaxed even more and sighed in relief, but when he was in the middle of saying something, he suddenly stopped, it weird me out, because he seemed to space out with no reason, but I thought that it wasn't anything to serious, when suddenly, he falled to his knees with a expression full of pain, I tried to go towards him to try and help him, but before I could even stand up, he started screaming out of pure pain, this made all of us back to reality from all the fear, and we quickly surrounded him to see what was wrong, but weirdly enough, he didn't had a single wound, and when we tried to ask him, the only thing he could mutter was. "It hurts." But he either whispered it in between groans of pain, or screamed it with all his forces due to the pain, when at some point he turned to the sky, while screaming, but he stopped, I thought it was because he stopped feeling pain so we took of his helmet to see him, but he was worse under it, his eyes were watery and even let out some tears, while they again seemed to be turned off, like when we got to see him at the hospital after the U.S.J, and there is when I understood what happened, he was still suffering, but it was almost as if his brain turned off to try and bear all that pain.

Since there wasn't too much we could do for him, Endeavor just called for some ambulances, and while we waited, we tied Stain again and just left Y/N there, because we didn't what to do in his situation and moving him might make his situation worse, I felt really bad for him, his face full of pain and suffering, and we couldn't help until the ambulance arrived, once they did, the paramedics went first to attend both Y/N and Stain, but when they got to Y/N, something seemed to stop them, we didn't understood why, and looking at Y/N, he extended his hand and pointed at me, Iida, Todoroki and Native, the paramedics didn't paid attention to this and tried to help Y/N, but instead, he reactivated his aura of fire and scared them off, so instead they helped us, and once they did, Y/N calmed down again and let them help him, now that we all were inside the ambulances they rode us to the hospital, there they treated all of our wounds fairly quickly and got us all to a single room with four beds, for me, Iida, Todoroki and Y/N, but he was now unconscious, I was worried about him, but at least now he wouldn't suffer too much, I chatted with Iida and Todoroki about this, and we agreed that he seemed extremely cool on how he stood up against Stain, but we didn't talked too much, because we were supposed to rest, but when we were about to sleep, a phone started ringing, we three looked at our phones, but none of them were, then we tried following the sound, and the origin seemed to be Y/N's costume, in his belt there was an icon of a phone, I clicked it, and some little bots came out and formed a phone, I was amazed by the level of technology on his suit, when I looked at the screen of his phone, and it read 'Itsu', I didn't understand who that was, when I remembered Kendo, the only person that I knew who's name matched with it, I told this to both Iida and Shoto, and after some seconds, we decided to answer her and explain everything, so I took a deep breath to calm  myself, and picked up the call. [Hey Y/NN!] She started quite excited, which got me a bit nervous.

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