The Final Encounter (CH.99)

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Izuku's Pov

It was still hard to see from all the dust that had arised after the building was flattened. At the same time, I was still in shock from Mirio's tackle, though without his aid, me as well as Eri would've been inside the building when it flattened, however, he wasn't the only one that saved us. It was Sir Nighteye the one that first pushed me out of the way of a falling piece of the ceiling. Truthfully, this event was the one that managed to shock me the most.

I didn't really get time to see, because everything was still moving so fast, but with just a quick glance, I could tell that Sir Nighteye had been almost entirely covered by the debris, and I could barely distinguish his hand popping out from somewhere.

I immediately wanted to turn around and go look for him, but just as that thought crossed my head, I realized that, since there was no more building for us to hide, then that means that we basically were at Overhaul's mercy.

I was hoping he would at least not notice us, however, almost as soon as I turned around to confirm his location, he suddenly stopped destroying the city around us, turned to look around slowly, almost as if it was purely out of instinct, and when he saw us, he only muttered. "I found you..." Looking at Eri who was still in my arms, it was clear her shock and fear at Overhaul's presence, as she jolted in my arms, and tried to hold me as tight as she could.

After that, it only took a second for Overhaul to put a stop at what he was doing, and immediately darted right at us. It didn't even take him a second to reach us, especially with that new style of movement he adopted, and the first thing he reformed once close enough to us, was his arm, as he reached out for Eri, and had nothing more than assassin intentions when it came to me.

My first instinct was to get Eri as far away as possible, but with a simple glance, I could tell that was off the question. This slight movement cost me almost all of my time, meaning that now, I had to act out of desperation pretty much. "Eri, hold on tight!" I immediately, and then, while she held my suit even harder, I wrapped her with my left arm, and then rose the right one. Finally, with a quick movement to the left, in order to cover her as much as possible, I also used the momentum to throw the strongest punch I could.

From past experience though, I could tell that this attack wasn't going to be very effective, since the overall bulkiness of Overhaul's body had increased drastically, however, I was fortunate enough that, in his rush, Overhaul hadn't finished forming his body, and most of it was still flying around and waiting to be reassembled. This, combined with the pressure wave released by my punch, resulted in me sending Overhaul flying quite a long distance, and giving all of us a moment to breath and get away.

Everything was going well, or at least it was until I tried to pick up Eri to take her away. Almost as soon as I placed my right arm under her, a wave of pain suddenly went through my entire body, as I then fell to the ground. It wasn't the most unbearable thing in the world, in fact I think I could easily keep going with it, but I hadn't prepared myself mentally, so things went from one to one hundred in less than a second.

Eri was clearly scared by this, but I simply said. "D-Don't worry Eri. I just need a second to adjust myself." And then did my best to brace myself, and simply ignore th pain, however, before I was done doing that, Eri extended both of her hands towards me, and once again, used her quirk to heal all of my wounds.

The relief of feeling my entire arm being suddenly repaired filled me entirely, but more importantly, an idea came to my head. From the two times that Eri fixed my body, I could tell that, as soon as the damaged was repaired by her, then the pain would go away. I started wondering how I could use this, and I ended up coming up with an idea.

Usually, I wouldn't be able to fight constantly at a 100 percent, since my body would quickly be torn up by my own quirk, however, if Eri was constantly using her quirk on me, and I managed to break apart my body at a faster pace than she could heal it, just so there wouldn't be any side effects from over rewinding, then maybe I could fight for a longer amount of time.

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