The Internships (CH.22)-Part 1

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Y/N's Pov

After the little detour I took with Itsuka, and leaving her at her house, I made my way towards my house. 'This will be a boring weekend' I thought, since I would be pretty busy with work and reunions, when I got to my house, I walked to my living room, and got called for the first reunion, so I changed quickly, and took the call, once I did, all the holograms of the other main investors appeared in their seats, forming a circle, so I got out my chair. "Hello gentlemen, let's just get over with this." I said, and sat down, but then one of them spoke up.

"Before we start, I've gotta say, Mr.Y/N, congratulations on your victory at the sports festival." I groaned at this, not because of what he said, but rather, because my relation wasn't really great with the one who said it.

"I appreciate the sentiment, but this isn't the time, nor the place to talk about it, Mr.Yu." I said with a cold face and an angry glance towards my father, the situation seemed kind of awkward for the rest of them, but I just continued staring at him, so after some seconds, Mr.Takeda spoke up.

"Well, I'm sure that Mr.Yu was just showing his appreciation towards you, Mr.Y/N, so let's start with the meeting." I nodded, and we started talking, all the weekend went on like that, just meetings, or having to work on a project, nothing interesting.

Timeskip to Monday Morning

After the weekend was gone, I woke up on monday, changed myself to be ready for school,and walked to U.A. 'At least I might see Itsuka on the way there.' I thought, and I actually encountered her on the train station, which made me really happy. "Hey Y/NN!" (A/N: Y/NN stands for Your NickName, just whatever you want her to call you.) Hearing my new nickname, just made me chuckle a bit, and give her a smile.

"So that's my nickname? I like it!" I said, then we both got inside the train, and sat side-by-side, and then she said.

"Well, you gave me one, I only found fair that I gave you your own nickname." Then we just talked for a while, when she asked me about my weekend. "And how was your weekend? You only told me that you were going to work, but I was a bit curious as to what you did."

"Well, just going to some meetings with the council, working on some projects and more business stuff, pretty boring to be honest." I said, she just nodded in understanding, and I thought we would talk about more random things again, but then she asked.

"But you said that you worked at your father's company, do you have to talk to him?" I tensed a bit at these, and said.

"I do talk to him, but I just do it with 'work-related' topics, we don't really talk about personal stuff, you could say that up to this point we're no longer family, and just work partners, I still don't like interacting with him, but I can handle it." Talking about him, made me remember all the bad times and the hatred I had for him, but I didn't showed it, to not upset Itsuka, she just continued asking more things about my work, to which I just answered, fortunately, she kept my dad out of most of the questions, and I was certain that she did that on purpose, which reassured me, why I love her.

When we got to U.A, we didn't parted ways until we got to our classrooms, and once we got to them, she said. "Well, see you in a week Y/NN."

"See you soon Itsu." I said, then leaned abit, and finished with. "I'll miss you." Then followed by a quick kiss on her lips, a little, but cute blush appeared on her cheeks, as she walked to her classroom she finally said.

"Love you." And she entered her classroom, I chuckled a bit, and entered mine, we had arrived around 25 minutes before the class begun, so I was certain that there wasn't going to be anyone at class, since the ones that arrived earlier didn't do so until at least 20 minutes before the start of classes, and when I entered there was no one inside, as predicted, so I just went to my seat and waited, but to my surprise, just after some seconds I sensed a familiar aura, and after some seconds of analyzing, I recognized it as Eijiro's quirk. 'He's here oddly early.' I thought, since I had never saw him arrive earlier than 7 minutes before class started, but I just shrug it off, and didn't paid attention, then when he got to the classroom, for some reason he came running towards me.

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