Ending The Encounter (CH.92)

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Y/N's Pov

After being sent to fly away by Shitsuki, and having to recover from this in an instant, just for me to have to move away once again before he sent me flying somewhere else, I was pretty much at my limit. I couldn't even understand how had he become so powerful, but after a quick analysis, I came up with a quick theory.

He was clearly way buffer than before, and if all of his blades and attacks made of darkness were already coming out at random, now they were just bursting their way out, as they didn't want to let a single spot uncovered. Most of them weren't very big, since most of it was probably being used to increase Shitsuki's body mass, but getting to close to them would surely hurt like hell.

All in all, he was just liberating everything all at once, unlike before, when he tried to at least control it and focus himself by using the breathing techniques. Technically, his previous state should also be stronger than this because he should be able of using all this strength and power in a more efficient way, while also focusing his mind entirely on me, however, that mind set also required more training, and while he had surely spent quite some time trying to achieve this, there was no way he could control such a volatile quirk in such a short amount of time.

As for me, it was incredibly hard to even keep up with him. Not only would every punch sent a shockwave through the air that would have a big impact on me, regardless of if it hit me or not, but if I didn't dodge by a big enough margin, then the blades would reach me as well. I was able to brush most of this injuries by focusing most of my efforts into regenerating, but this also meant that I didn't have enough concentration left to copy any complicated quirks, meaning that I had to stick to the ones I knew better.

Unfortunately, most of them weren't highly offensive quirks, and even with some like those, One For All for example, which was too hard for me to copy right now, I don't think I would be able to quickly dispatch him, and would still need to fight Shitsuki for quite a while.

After all, I could only keep dodging for as long as I could, but after a couple of minutes, I was surprised to receive a call to my suit. The shock I received from the sudden was too much, as I then heard Auto say. [Incoming call from Izuku Midoriya.] This made me slip for a moment, as I could even see Shitsuki coming closer to keep on attacking, and my only option became to get away in an instant.

First of all, there was no way I could get away from the punching line in time, so instead, I tried to think of ways for me to tank this. Fortunately, I quickly remembered, Setsuna, who I had been helping with her special move for the past few days. I quickly copied her quirk from memory, just in time for Shitsuki's punch, and just when he landed it, I separated myself into multiple pieces, letting all of them fly away and return to me, minimizing the impact as much as I could.

I did have to deal with the pain coming from his blades, but compared with that pain that could've come from his fist, it was nothing. With the slight second that this movement gave me, I quickly copied Juzo's quirk, which I didn't know quite as well as Setsuna's but that I could still use rather quickly, and as soon as it was ready, I used it to dive myself into the floor, as well as Shitsuki.

Once we were submerged, I instantly hardened back again, and even tried to see if I could enhance it, and I think I could, even if just slightly. This position didn't give me visual contact to Shitsuki though, but fortunately, I could still locate him with my quirk, and even though he had started moving as soon as he fell, I had also made sure to submerge myself way deeper than him, so even though he flailed around quite a lot, he wouldn't be able to reach me for a little while.

I took advantage of this moment of calm to regenerate and focus myself. At first I was worried that it would take me longer to do so, because I thought that the effects of Shitsuki's fire would get to me, but after a quick 'look' at myself, I realized that at no moment had they even touched me, including all that running and dodging around I had to perform a minute ago.

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