A Quick Interrogation (CH.80)

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Y/N's Pov

Overall, this day for me was perfect. I got to pass time with my two favorite girls, and I was sure that the two of them liked each other, which made me extremely happy, and once I heard Itsuka confirm that she was alright with being Eri's mom, I felt such a wave of relief go through me.

I think I didn't show it at all during the day, but honestly, this was my biggest concern the entire time. I obviously didn't want to pressure her into accepting, however, this also meant that if she didn't want to be her mom, then I would probably have to choose between them, and even though I had taken quite some time to think about it, I wasn't able to.

On one hand, Eri was all alone in the world, just like I used to be, and just that was enough for me to want to stay with her, furthermore, she was simply such a sweet child, and spending time with her was awesome. On the other hand, being with Itsuka warmed my heart, and it made me feel some kind of acceptance that I didn't feel since my mother passed away, and it would've been extremely hard for me to leave that.

Fortunately, she agreed, and so I didn't even have to think about this anymore and just go on with life.

Since we had already been walking for a little while, it didn't take us even a minute more before we arrived at our dorms, so after we quickly said goodbye to each other, and we gave each other a kiss on the lips, we parted ways to our dorms.

It was honestly very hard for me to fall asleep, as I was simply too excited about Eri and Itsuka. I couldn't stop thinking about how happy I was that I got to 'keep' the two of them, and even dreamed a bit about how our life would be from here on.

Since I wasn't able to fall asleep, I decided to use that time to investigate, and so, I started looking on internet for the specific requirements for an adoption. It wasn't all that complicated, and while they were a lot of requirements like income or responsibility from the adopter, the most important part was that the adopter must be 18 years old, or 16 with a letter from the legal tutor. This wasn't a problem at all for me, since I could represent myself, so that was covered.

One thing I did notice was that I wouldn't be able to officially share the custody of Eri with Itsuka unless I was married to her. The thought of this was a bit embarrassing, and while I did like the idea of marrying her already, since she would be allowed to do so with a consent letter from her parents, I simply shrugged it off, and assumed we would solve that once we were a bit older.

Most of the other requirements weren't all that important in comparison, so the only 'problem' there was for me was to take Overhaul's custody on her, so I could adopt her, and that didn't sound hard at all. Mostly because Eri had obviously been a victim of child abuse, which would almost instantly take the custody from him, but Overhaul was also a villain, and I'm pretty sure that child services wouldn't simply allow him to keep her with his criminal record.

It was starting to get quite late, and the fatigue was also starting to get to me, so I decided to leave things there and continue some other day, not before downloading the forms I needed signed of course, and then went to sleep.

The next day was my first free day from my internship, so I woke up, and instead of preparing with my hero suit, I simply put on my uniform, took some light breakfast, and went for a regular day of school.

Going back to class wasn't hard, but I did have to catch up with some stuff that I missed. Fortunately for me, Aizawa sensei had already made some complementary material for all the students who went to their internships, and since I went twice as often as the rest, he gave me a bit more than them, which was useful.

The day was pretty normal, until our first break of the day came around, and so Mina said. "Look, Kirishima! It's you in the news!" While showing an article that talked about him and some hero work he had done. Not only that, but also Ochako and Tsuyu appeared, and while they were all embarrassed about this, they also seemed happy.

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