Izuku vs Katsuki (CH.5)

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Y/N's Pov

The battle between Izuku and Ochako vs Katsuki and Tenya started, we couldn't hear anything through the screens but we could see basically everything, with Tenya and Katsuki I didn't knew what was happening, but it seemed as if they weren't getting along and were arguing between them, with that in mind I thought it was very unlikely that they were going to make a solid plan. I thought of what was probably going to be their actions, and according on how Katsuki has been acting towards Izuku he was probably going to mainly attack him and ignore Ochako.

I directed my attention to the cameras that shown were was Izuku and Ochako, they just entered the building and were making their way through it, they continued with that for a while until they reached a corner where they were ambushed by Katsuki, but Izuku managed to evade it "That Bakugo, making an ambush isn't manly at all" Eijirou wasn't pleased about what Katsuki just did.

"He is supposedly a villain, so it doesn't really matter if he is fighting fair, also an ambush is a good strategie" I said, because analyzing the situation it was a fairly good move.

"Y/N is right, in this kind of situations placing traps and taking your opponent by surprise its a good plan of action" said Itsuka supporting what I just said.

"Besides, Izuku was fast enough to avoid the attack" We continued watching the fight, after the first blow Katsuki continued attacking and as I predicted he ignored Ochako and focused only on Izuku, Katsuki went for a left hook, but Izuku catched it and countered it by flipping Katsuki and throwing him over his shoulder, everyone seemed amazed about how good was Izuku even without his quirk

"Hm, he's good, I'm eager to fight him" said Togaru with a grin on his face. As the fight continued Katsuki was clearly furious with Izuku but still ignored Ochako, which gave her the perfect opportunity to escape from him and go search for the bomb, meanwhile those two were fighting Ochako reached the room were Tenya was guarding the bomb, and she was spotted in the dumbest way possible, she laughed about something that Tenya probably said.

'You've gotta be kidding me' I was somewhat disappointed, I knew Ochako wasn't the most serious person, but I didn't expect her to do something like that, after she was discovered they both talked a bit between them, I couldn't quite figure what were they talking, however I could figure out that Tenya said that he took all the objects out of the room so she couldn't use them against him 'That's clever' so far he was doing the best performance in whole battle, making a good plan against Ochako and adapting to Katsuki's recklessness, they continued talking abit between them until Ochako tried to grab the bomb by jumping over Tenya, but he immediately took the bomb and placed it at the other side of the room, he's doing a very good job in this exercise.

With Katsuki and Izuku the battle was escalating, mainly in Katsuki's favor since he was dealing more damage and his attacks were becoming even stronger and was being more brutal with Izuku, until he escaped and went other way "That's a good move, seeing his opponent has the upper hand and has apparently no intention of stopping" this battle is showing how they really are, and it honestly scares me a bit.

After a while of searchinhg, Katsuki found Izuku and what he did next was completely insane, he activated a cannon in his wrist "YOUNG BAKUGO STOP YOU COULD KILL HIM" All Might was scared and honestly we all were because after All Might spoked Katsuki released a huge explosion that destroyed almost half the building.

"IS THIS SUPPOSED TO BE A TRAINING" Eijirou was the one that gave a more visible reaction, but we were all in disbelief about what just happened, we knew he wasn't the most mentally stable person in the world, but this was on a whole 'nother level about that.

"H-He's insane" "1-A has some c-crazy people ha" "That's extreme, even for me" even 1-B was shocked about Katsuki's attack, I turned to see Itsuka which was by my side and her face was completely shocked "Hey Itsuka, you okay?" By her appearance she was very shocked, and it was understandable.

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