The Superior Slayer (CH.47)

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Itsuka's Pov

As me and Tetsutetsu were running around, while looking for the origin of the smoke, I had already noticed a pattern, and now, with the extra information that I got, I was sure about where to go. "Wait, Tetsutetsu!" I exclaimed, he didn't stopped, but turned a bit to look at me, and asked.

"What is it, Kendo?" I wanted to stop for a bit, so I could illustrated my point, but it was clear that he had no intention of slowing down, so I said.

"I think I know where should we go!" This shocked him, and made him immediately stop to ask me.

"Really! Since when?" After catching my breath for a brief moment, I answered.

"I already had an idea when we left Yui, but now I can confirm it. Don't you think there's something weird on this smoke?" Now he only seemed confused at my words, so I sighed  with a bit of disappointment, and continued with. "You see, normally, the smoke propagates in every direction, but this isn't, it is completely still, and if you notice, it was more dense over there."

He still didn't understood, and so, asked. "What are you trying to say?" I then finished, and hoped that he would finally understand.

"I believe, that this smoke must be circulating around a single point, like some kind of typhoon. In other words, there must be someone creating, and controlling it, at the center." This time, he finally understood, and not only that, but he also seemed amazed by what I said, and exclaimed.

"Kendo! You're a freaking genius!!!" I only scoffed at what he said, and then finished with something else we had to worry about.

"Yeah, anyway, assuming that the smoke will be more dense the closer we get to the center, we'll be against the clock, there's so much air this masks can filter, and the more gas there is, the less they'll will last, so we must hurry." I was being quite serious with this explanation, because we were really going to be short on time, since we had already been running around for quite some time, but he only exclaimed, really loudly.

"THEN WE JUST HAVE TO RUN AS FAST AS WE CAN TO THE CENTER! AND KICK THEIR BUTTS WITH EVERYTHING WE HAVE!!!" I only stared dumbfounded, at what he said, and while I started following him, I said.

"Something like that...yeah." And as I ran behind him, I couldn't stop thinking about what Y/N taught him. 'How is it that, even after everything Y/N has told us, he still seems to don't have more that 2 neurons in his brain! Juts going head on into the danger, but to be fair, that's something these two share, and...' As I trailed off inside my thoughts, Tetsutetsu turned a bit, and said. "Shiozaki and the rest of the class must be having a bad time with this smoke, so we must do something about it! Let's Give It Our All! Kendo!" I nodded at him, and answered.

"Yes!" And then finished with my thoughts.

'And there's nothing wrong about it.'

Shitsuki's Pov

I was sure that I had got him with my sixth form, but just as my blade was about to cut him, he somehow managed to dash backwards to a safe spot, with an speed he had never shown before in the fight. This got me angry, but I still had to keep my cool, so I scoffed at him, and said. "Huh? You really are quick to escape, aren't you?" And topped it with a chuckle, but weirdly enough, he didn't react to this, but not in the same way as before, this time, he didn't blinked, or flinched, at my taints, however, I didn't had time to focus on that, so I said. "Hey! Is anyone th-" But just in the middle of my sentence, he seemed to teleport, and appeared just infront of me.

"Flame Breathing - Second Form: Rising Scorching Sun." There seemed to be something weird on his voice, but I couldn't pay attention to any of that, since his blade was just moments away from cutting my face, and probably my neck afterwards. None of my techniques were fast enough to save me, except for what I considered one of the hardest techniques that I knew, and that required my quirk, something I don't like using while dueling with my breathing technique.

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