The Girls Meeting Up (CH.79)

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Itsuka's Pov

Just hearing Y/N sing for a bit was enough for me to fall asleep, as his singing was simply too relaxing, and before he even got to finish it, I had already closed my eyes. After he seemed to finish with his song, I think he left a peck on my forehead, as he always does, and then cuddled down with me, which I obviously returned, even though I was asleep.

After a couple hours, I could feel something move me, as I also heard. "Hey, Itsu, wake up." However, I didn't want to do this, so I clinged even harder to what I was holding, which I assumed was Y/N, and then grumbled.

"No, babe. A little bit more." But he wasn't complying either, as he said to me.

"Sorry, Itsu, but you know we can't today. You have school and I have my internship." He then got out of my grasp, and as I fumbled around due to this, I assumed he went to get ready for the day. I was a bit grumpy about all of this, as I really wanted to cuddle with him a bit more, however, as he came out of the bathroom, and said. "You awake, gorgeous?" Most of my grumpiness went away, and after he left a kiss on my cheek, and I returned it, I said.

"Mostly." And then finally got up to get ready as well. Since I knew I was gonna sleep here, I had already brought my uniform, so I was quick to fetch it and start getting dressed. I quickly went into the bathroom to put everything on. I brushed my teeth, prepared my hair in my usual ponytail, and then came out. Once there, I could see Y/N finishing as well, as he put on his uniform, with his hero suit on top.

The two of us did a quick final check to see if everything was okay, and once we were certain, it was time to leave. Well, to leave for breakfast at least. We went down to the first floor of his dorm, where we gathered with some of his classmates, and while Y/N went to get us something to eat, I chatted a bit with them.

I mostly talked with the girls, especially Yaoyorozu, as I had acquainted myself with her the most. "So, Kendo, what are you planning to do today?" She asked to me, to which I replied.

"Well, I'm going with Y/NN to visit Eri, a little girl he saved yesterday." She nodded in understanding at this, as she then said.

"Yeah, I think I can recall Midoriya talking about her." I was a bit confused, but then I remembered that Y/N said that he was with Midoriya when he rescued her, so he probably also visited her or something. "I think it's very sweet from Y/N to care that much from a victim he rescued. Such a heroic thing to do!" She continued saying, and while she wasn't entirely wrong, I think she didn't fully understand Y/N's motives.

My hesitation about this last statement of hers seemed to be noticed, as she asked me what was wrong, to which I replied. "I mean, sure he worries for Eri because she was victim of kidnaping and apparently abuse, but I don't think that's it." She seemed confused by this, so before she even asked, I kept explaining. "The thing is, not only did he show up late yesterday, due to having to stay with Eri, as she seems to trust only on him, but once he was back, and he told me what happened, he would just talk about her such passion and care, that I think he wouldn't want to get separated of her." Now she understood, so I finished with. "He also hasn't decided yet, but I'm pretty sure he'll end up adopting her, if given the chance." Now she was taken back, as she wasn't expecting this at all, and then took a little while to think.

We stayed silent for around 10 seconds at much, and once she seemed to gather her thoughts, she asked me. "And what about you? As his girlfriend, would you be willing to take care of a child?" To which I could only shrug my shoulders and say.

"Honestly, I'm not entirely sure as well. On one hand, just the concept of having a daughter at this age seems quite restrictive for my future, but on the other hand, Y/NN himself is quite capable, so he would probably find a way to make it work." She nodded in understanding, and said that I was in a bit of a tight spot, to which I agreed, and also said. "Either way, it's not like I know Eri personally, so I can't make a full image yet. Maybe after today I'll be able to answer you with more certainty." She also agreed with me on this, and then said that if I ever needed to talk to someone about this, I could trust her for that. I was grateful about this, and then we tried to move on from this topic.

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