The U.S.J Aftermaths (CH.11)-Part 3

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Kendo's Pov

After a the incident on the U.S.J the school gave us one day off so we could relax and cool down after everything that happened there, however I couldn't get something out of my head, after the battle, when Y/N reunited with us he almost immediately passed out.


"Y/N!!!" I screamed, I got genuinely scared, one second ago he seemed perfectly fine, and now he suddenly falls down to the floor unconscious "Y/N! Y/N!!!, WHAT'S HAPPENING!!!" That's when I took a closer look at him, and realized something more shocking "H-He i-isn't breathing!"

At that moment some of us got scared, but luckily Ojiro spoke up "MOVE! I KNOW HOW TO DO MOUTH-TO-MOUTH RESUSCITATION!" I then just move to a side, very worried about what could happen to Y/N, we stayed there for around 3 minutes before the ambulances arrived, when they got here one paramedic got out of the ambulance and came towards Y/N.

"What's happening?" She asked.

"He isn't breathing" answered Ojiro, still doing the resuscitation.

"How long has he been like this" She asked, putting a breathing mask on him.

"Like 3 or 4 minutes, I started like 5 seconds after he passed out"

"Okay, leave it to us, you did a good job!" She then placed Y/N on a stretcher, and got him onto the ambulance, I wanted to go with him, but when I approached him they told me "Sorry, only family members can come with him"

"Please, can I go with him?"

"Sorry, you can't, you can visit him at the hospital" And with that they closed the ambulance and road off, I just stayed there, worried, scared, I knew him for so little time but I was already to worried and attached to him, then All Might came up to me and tried to calm me.

"DON'T WORRY, HE'S A STRONG ONE, I'M SURE HE WILL BE FINE!" He had a smile, which help a bit, but I was still worried.

End of Flashback

The next day I tried to go and visit him in the hospital, they let me in, but I still couldn't talk to him since he wasn't awake, I was now getting ready for school however, I still couldn't forget about him "Itsuka! Breakfast is ready!" I heard my mom calling for me, I finished putting on my uniform and made my way down the stairs, there she had laid some eggs and bacon for me to eat, I sat down and started eating them, then she came and sat down next to me "So Itsuka, how are you feeling today?" She asked.

"I'm fine mom" I said, trying to hide the fact that I was actually very worried, however she seemed to notice.

"Come on dear, I know that face, so what's troubling you? Is it that boy from the U.S.J you talked me about?"

*sigh* "Yeah it's him, I'm just worried about him, the last time I saw him, he was still unconscious and the doctors didn't knew when he would wake up" I said with a sad look.

"Don't worry, I'm sure he will be alright, and by the way, tell me what makes him so special for you?" She asked, I blushed a bit, but answered her anyways.

"Well, he's very sweet, he always seems to care about others, he's also somewhat handsome" I said, but she interrupted with a question.

"What do you mean by 'somewhat handsome' " Now I blushed even more, because I didn't expected this question.

"W-Well, I mean I think he's good looking, ok?" She just nodded with a devilish grin, but I just continued "He also cares about me and makes me feel special, when we talk he always ask me questions about me, and he seems to be very gentle towards me" I didn't notice I had started daydreaming about him, and I would have continued if it wasn't for my mother, who's giggle got me back to reality.

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