The Doubts (CH.27)

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Itsuka's Pov

After the call with Midoriya, I didn't feel alright,  I couldn't get what he said out of my head, but there was nothing I could do, but wait for Y/N to wake up and pray for him to be okay, however, that didn't calmed me, and during the night I couldn't fall asleep, so when I woke up I was in a pretty bad shape, and Yaoyorozu took notice of this. "Kendo! Are you alright?!" She exclaimed, I sighed and then said.

"Not really, yesterday I tried to call Y/N, but instead Midoriya answered, and he told me that it was because Y/N fell unconscious." Now she gasped and asked me if he was okay, but I just shrugged my shoulders and was really discouraged by all this situation. "I'm not sure, he told that he should wake up today, but they don't know if it will have some long term effects." Now she gave a condescending look and hugged me, I returned the embrace and sobbed into her shoulder, she also tried to comfort me and patted my back, it helped a bit and then we went to take our breakfast, however, my mood was still really low so I was really picky with my food, and didn't actually ate anything, when after some minutes Uwabami approached us and sat in our table.

"Hello girls! How has your morning been so far!" I didn't answered and just continued pocking my food, this weirded out Uwabami, but worried Yaoyorozu, who answered for me and explained everything to Uwabami, she gasped and then turned towards me and with a worried look, but also with some empathy said. "Don't worry I'm sure your friend will be alright, I've actually been to the Hosu hospitals sometimes, they're pretty good doctors and I'm sure they will take great care of him." I chuckled a bit at her way of trying to calm me, but I still felt bad, so Uwabami seemed to get an idea. "Let's see something on T.V, to try and distract us." Then we three directed our attention to one of the T.Vs on a wall, it seemed to be just the news, so I started losing on focus on it, until they came across a different topic.

[And now, after reviewing the change over the top ten heroes across the years, we will move into something more recent, The Hero Killer.] When I heard this, my head shoot up from the table and I planted my attention into the  T.V, this seemed to surprise both Yaoyorozu and Uwabami, but I just focused on the T.V. [Who incase that you don't know him, it's a villain that has been around for some weeks right now, and with around 17 mortals victims, who were all heroes, he became one of the most wanted villains of the moment, but we aren't here to talk about his criminal record, were actually here to talk about the end of it, we've been informed that The Hero Killer has been captured yesterday, at around the 21 hours, The Hero Killer was captured by the camera system of the Hosu district, while being held by a group of heroes, including Endeavor, a retired hero identified as Gran Torino and most impressing, a group of four students from U.A that participated in the Sports Festival, including the first and second place, it's yet uncertain what role did any of these heroes or students took in the capture of The Hero killer, but until the exact details are released, we've got the recording of the last exchange between him and the group of heroes, and I've gotta say, it's really shocking.] 

Then they played a record which showed a big amount of heroes on a sidewalk, with Endeavor at the other side of the street, while in front of all the heroes stood The Hero Killer, despite him in a pretty bad shape, with multiple bruises across his body and big burns on his face, he managed to scare some of the heroes there, who were already taking steps back or falling because of the fear, until he started talking, with the  low quality of the audio, and the fact that he was really far away from the camera, made it hard to make out what he said, but his tone was easy to get, just hearing him made me shiver and a frightening resolve seemed to flow through the screen as a terrifying aura, and now all the pros, including Endeavor moved back in fear, but Y/N stood still, everyone else was scared while he was dedicated to attack, and after some more talking from The Hero Killer, Y/N's aura changed completely, even through the T.V, I could sense his determination, and his posture showed a burning resolve, which all combined made it seem as if a aura of fire came out of him, now Y/N screamed something, and in the same manner as everything that The Hero Killer said, you couldn't really understand what he said, but you could feel all the emotions that he expressed in his words, and Y/N's words were full of hope and inspiration, which even got to me, making me forget all the worry that I had, and after some seconds of nothing happening, they walked towards him, who apparently was unconscious, and Y/N now seemed relieved, so he said something to the pros, that were still quite scared, now everything seemed normal, I didn't even understood when he got injured, when suddenly he fell to his knees and started screaming, but this one was different, it didn't showed fear, frustration or anything like that, it was just fueled with pure pain, all the fear and worry instantly returned, and even bigger than before, when they suddenly cut the video without explaining what happened to him. 

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