The Beginning Of The Exam (CH.65)

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Izuku's Pov

A guy from Shiketsu Academy had suddenly come to chant 'Plus Ultra!' with us, and while that alone was surprising enough, more astonishing was seeing him bow all the way to the floor, to the point where he smashed his head against it bleeding, and then turned back up to apologize to us while screaming for interrupting. The guy did leave a 'strong' impression, but a bit more surprising than that, was to hear that he had taken U.A's entrance exam for recommended students, and came up with a higher note than Todoroki.

While I wondered why hadn't he entered the school then, we heard someone else talk in our direction, but turns out, that they weren't talking to us, at least not all of us. Turning to look at the origin, we saw a group of at least ten students walking up to Y/N, and the one who was upfront, was the first one to talk.

"Hey, Midoriya, who are they?" Asked Kirishima, as he walked closer to me from behind, along with a couple of our classmates.

"I haven't heard of them that much, but I think they are from S.C.S academy. When it comes to hero 'quality' they are but an average school, however, they turned out some of the greatest heroes in history when it comes to slashing attacks. Most of their heroes and trials depend on swift and quick attacks that can kill a villain, or tear down a building with one movement. There have been quite a lot of Ninja-Themed heroes that came from their school, but there's also been a wide variety of other themes..." And as I started trailing off in a mumbling spree, I could hear some of my classmates say.

"Well, Y/N has surely made a name for himself as a swordsman."

"Yeah, this was surely bound to happen."

And so on, but why they felt slightly amazed, and it was obvious to see what attracted those guys to Y/N, there was something still lingering in the back of my mind. 'But...what are their intentions?' As I hardly believed that someone would ask for an autograph like this.

Y/N's Pov

"I think I've heard of your school." I said to them. "It turns out some of the best sword related heroes in the country, doesn't it?" The leader one seemed to gasp slightly, and while reaching out for my hand, he said.

"Oh my! I can't believe you know who we are! It's such an honor!" And frantically moved my hand. At first glance, this just seemed like a friendly exchange, that I normally would've ignored, but looking at it closer, there was something surely off.

I quickly retrieved my hand, and then asked. "You're not being honest, are you?" To which he replied.

"What would make you think that?" While seeming to be slightly offended, and his classmates exclaimed stuff like 'How dare you?!', but I simply said.

"Looking at me made your blood pressure rise, your grip on my hand was only slightly below the point were it would start hurting me, and all of your muscles were prepared for an attack. Furthermore, your breathing shook a bit when I pointed all of this out, meaning that you were quite possibly lying to me." All of this seemed to leave them speechless, and none of them said anything for the first few seconds, until the leader started chuckling, and left out a laugh at the end.

"Well, well, well!" He angrily exclaimed, while clapping his hands in a really sarcastic way. "You don't miss one, do you? I'll be honest. We hate you." He bluntly said at me, while his expression changed completely from his seemingly friendly one, to one filled with hate. "During my first year, I was the greatest swordsman rookie in the country, and our school could still hold its custom title, even to U.A, but then, you suddenly pop up, and take that away from us. Ever since you came up, our teacher hasn't stopped comparing us to you! 'Y/N would've done that sooner~' 'Y/N wouldn't flail his sword like that~' 'Are you really planning to beat Y/N like that!'" He exclaimed, and then took a moment to breath and recover his composure.

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