The Relocation Plans (CH.55)

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Y/N's Pov

"Actually...nothing." As I said this, I noticed that Itsuka seemed shocked by what I said, but before she got any wrong ideas, I explained myself. "It's not that I don't want to spend time with you. I really do. But right now, I'm just too tired to do anything. So, I say we just snuggle together or something like that." Now her expression showed how relieved she was, and then said.

"Pheew! For a moment I thought I was bothering you." I chuckled a bit at this and said to her.

"Don't worry. It's just that I've been awake for around 3 or 4 days and had barely eaten anything, so I just need to replenish my energies before going out again." As I said this, I wrapped one of my arms around her, and used just a bit of help to walk, while I finished with. "There's no way I'll ever be bothered by your company."

We then entered my house, and the first thing I did was set Yoriichi's cage on the floor, I then opened it so he could walk out, and that's just what he did. Yoriichi walked out of his cage and the first thing he did was stretch since he had been in there for some hours now. "You enjoy being out of the cage. Don't you, Yorii?" I asked in a bit of a sarcastic tone, and the next thing Yorii did was search for his food bowl, to which Itsuka said.

"Oh, My little guy must be hungry! Let's get you something to eat!" And then went towards the spot where I leave his food. While we waited for her, I sat down and grabbed Yoriichi to put him on my lap.

"She really likes to spoil you, doesn't she?" I playfully asked to him, while petting his belly, when I suddenly heard.

"I don't spoil him! I just...take really good care of him." Looking back, Itsuka had just returned with Yoriichi's food, and as she placed it down for him to eat, he got out of my lap to eat, so I got up again and said.

"While you're right about that. You also normally give him at least the double of what I do." While pointing out how big of ration had she given to him. She turned to look at it, and apparently realized that she had done that.

"Fair enough." She said, but looking back at Yoriichi, it was clear that he was enjoying his food, and that was all that mattered, so Itsuka said. "But I just can't resist it. He's too cute." I couldn't disagree with her on that, so I said.

" I understand, and by the way, we should follow his example and eat something." Itsuka agreed with me on that, and so, we got to work.

Fortunately, ever since Itsuka started coming to my house more frequently, I started buying more regular ingredients, so now I had a big assortment of food, and we could prepare something.

Itsuka's specialty are actually onigiris, so we prepared a bunch of those. "Hmm! Your food is always delicious, Itsu!" I exclaimed, however, she pouted at me and exclaimed.

"Maybe, but yours are basically perfect, how am I supposed to compete with that!" She seemed a bit upset about this, so I tried to reassure her with.

"Don't worry, Itsu, you don't have to improve anything else. It's already perfect just like it is right now!" She liked to hear this, but it wasn't enough to make her pout go away. So, I got closer to her, and while patting her back, I said. "C'mon, not even a smile?" This made her chuckle a bit, and I really liked that, so I exclaimed. "There it is!" However, this got her a bit embarrassed, but made me laugh a bit.

After we were done eating, me and Itsuka got up to clean everything, and despite me being too tired, and Itsuka insisting that I should go to rest, I helped her with putting away the table and washing the dishes.

Once we were done with all the cleaning, I felt relieved that I was going to be able to rest already, and so, both me and Itsuka went to my couch and sat down to watch some T.V.

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