Y/N's First Battle (CH.7)-Part 2

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The chapter begins  when Kamakiri and Y/N encounter and start fighting with their blades.

In the control room

3rd Person Pov

"Wow, Y/N found them both very quickly" said Yaoyorozu surprised by how quickly Y/N found them, since he catch up to them about 3 seconds after they got to the fourth floor and Y/N and Kamakiri almost instantly started fighting.

Everyone seemed amazed by how good they were both with their blades, but some of them noticed that there was something off in Y/N's movements. "Why's Y/N doing so many big movements?" Asked Shoda, who realized that many of Y/N's attacks were very big and inefficient "That just make him move slower."

"Maybe because 1-A sucks and 1-B is better than them HAHAHA!!!"  Monoma's screaming annoyed some of the people there, but Shoda's question really made them think as to why Y/N was doing inefficient movements. "I think he's just trying to show off his manliness!" Screamed both of manly boys of the classes, that after hearing them scream the same thing they just turned to see each other and knew they would be great friends.

"Maybe he is" said Todoroki, in his calm and unfazed tone "but that just means that he isn't taking this exercise seriously." They continued watching the fight between the two contenders, until Y/N suddenly jumped over Kamakiri and landed on the other side, this seemed extremely odd for everyone until one person catched up with what was happening.

"Wait!" screamed Uraraka "Who is in Y/N's opponent team!?"

"Oh, he is against Kamakiri an-" Yaoyorozu was answering her until she too noticed "And Hagakure, that's it, he isn't doing those big movements to flex on Kamakiri, he is using them to stop Hagakure from passing him without taking his attention out of Kamakiri!"

"And he jumped over him probably to stop her from going another way!" Everyone seemed amazed about how well Y/N managed to contain both of them, but at that moment Kamakiri started running the other direction to avoid Y/N.

"Wait, he's escaping!" Screamed Awase, but suddenly Y/N grabbed Hagakure and threw her at him to make him fall "Wow, I didn't expected that" everyone nodded and continued watching the fight, it continued for a couple of minutes like this until something changed.

Kamakiri suddenly started attacking faster than normal and letting Hagakure pass through Y/N's defense. "HAHA, see that" started Monoma  "even with their weird plans you can't defeat 1-B, HAHAHA" and at that moment they saw Y/N retreat to the end of the hallway "And now he's acting like a coward, it's official, 1-B is way better than 1-A, HAHAHAHA" Monoma's screaming and rambling continued until All Might, who was very focused on the fight, suddenly screamed.

"NO YOUNG Y/N, NOT YOU TOO" All the students turned to see why was All Might screaming, and what they saw froze them in place, Y/N had a copy of Bakugo's hand cannons pointed at Kamakiri "STOP YOU MIGHT KILL HIM"

In the battle ground

[STOP YOU MIGHT KILL HIM] Both, Kamakiri and Y/N, heard All Might through the comms system, while Kamakiri was extremely scared of Y/N, he just answered with a cold voice.

"That's not my objective" And in that moment he redirected his hand to the floor pointing  down from Kamakiri and he shoot and set off an smaller explosion than Bakugo's explosion, it didn't affect Kamakiri but the explosion made the floor were he was standing very unstable ,and ended up breaking the section were he was and he fell all the way to the first floor.

"FUCK! THAT HURT!!!" Shouted Kamakiri when  he landed, he turned to see were Y/N was, and he was still standing in the same point when he realized there was something else he should worry about, another section of the fourth floor that was  tearing apart and started to fall to were Kamakiri was lying "AHHHH" Cried Kamakiri seeing the section of the floor fall towards him, he just tried to cover himself and waited for the worse to happen, but it never happened, when he took notice of this and turned to see what happened, he saw that there was a web of cement that stopped the huge boulder from killing him.

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