Family Time (CH.105)

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Y/N's Pov

After falling asleep once more, but with Eri in my arms this time, I was able to finally get an acceptable night of sleep. It was just a few hours, since Eri had really woken up in the middle of the night, but those few hours that I had afterwards were perfect.

After everything that happened, after not knowing if she would even wake up, finally having her in my arms, knowing fully well that she was better, allowed me to relax more than ever.

I was so relaxed that I didn't even notice how much time passed, and by the time I woke up, I wasn't even sure if it was still the same day, or if I had slept for more than a day, which was entirely possible.

Luckily, Itsuka was already there, so she could tell me for how long I was out. "Good morning, Y/NN!" She lightly exclaimed, probably to not wake Eri up, while I sat up in bed, making sure not to disturb her either.

"Hey, Itsu." I said back to her, while also leaning closer to leave a kiss on her lips, which she immediately returned to me. I was very happy to see her, and I was about to ask her for how long I was out in a playful manner, however, at that same moment I realized something that confused me. "Wait, how are you here so early?" I asked to her, while also turning to look at the window, which was only being covered in half by the curtains, just enough for me and Eri not to be disrupted, and I could tell that it wasn't even noon.

I was confused as to how she could make it here so early with school and all, but I then heard her chuckling a bit to herself, and then she said. "Don't worry. It's Saturday already. We didn't have school today. I wanted to train a bit more though, but I assumed that coming to visit you two wouldn't hurt." I was relieved to at least listen that I hadn't been asleep for that long, but then both of our attentions shifted towards Eri, who was still sleeping soundly on my arms.

We stayed silent for a little while, until Itsuka leaned on my shoulder, and asked. "So, how's she doing since yesterday? I heard something from Aizawa sensei about her waking up?" I was a bit surprised that she heard about that, but I was going to tell her either way, so it wasn't important.

I simply leaned on her head as well, and then explained. "She's doing better. She woke up finally in the middle of the night, but naturally, she was scared by pretty much everything. The dark. The new environment, and us not being there with her. I had to rush in here as quickly as possible to calm her, and once she felt safe with me again, she fell asleep, but unlike before, she looks much more comfortable." I could then see her smile warmly, while also letting out an 'I can see that', and then letting out a sigh of relief.

I then could see her smile turn into a light frown, as she got up from my shoulder, and looked me dead in the eyes. I was extremely confused and nervous as to what could make her change of expression so quickly, and that's when she once again lightly exclaimed. "But don't think I didn't hear about you lashing out on the medical staff as well!" While also flicking her fingers on my forehead, and making me realize what I had done wrong.

I immediately apologized to her, but I also explained that I was only trying to protect Eri, and while I understood that I definitely didn't make the best decisions then, I was just trying to keep her safe. She easily understood this, but also said. "I know, but you have to be more careful. We're heroes after all. Our objective it to help civilians, both in body and mind. You can't be a hero that reassures people if you go around scaring the medical staff, understood?" To which I instantly nodded, and after letting out a sigh, she said. "Alright then. What matters is that you understand what you did wrong, and that Eri is safe." I was a bit embarrassed by this, but it was just as she said. I made a mistake, but at least I kept Eri safe, so as long as I reflected on that, we would be okay.

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