U.A Entrance Exam (CH.1)

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Y/N Pov




I woke up to the sound of my alarm, and as I turned to put it off, I see that it reads 6:00 AM. "3 hours before the entrance exam, enough to get ready and do a little workout before it starts." I said, while getting up to prepare myself. I first got some clothes and made myself some breakfast. Once I had finished it, I walked out of my house and went to train.

"Ok, I should start with a jog, and then I can to Dagobah beach to train, since I heard that it's cleaned recently." I said to no one in particular as started jogging towards Dagobah beach.

As I arrived at the beach, and gave a look to it, I realized the difference between a beach with trash, and one without it. 'This is quite impressive.' I thought, while getting down to start with my work out, when I suddenly spotted more people on the beach. 'Is that All Might? And who's that kid? Why is he offering him his hair? And why is he eating it?!' I was extremely confused with this interaction, but as to not gross myself even more, I thought. 'I should just train.'

I continued training, mainly on my stamina, when I realized that it was about time to go. 'Hmmm, should get going already.' I then grabbed the few things that I had brought with me, and then left towards U.A.

It didn't take me a lot of time before arriving, which made me feel relived, but as I approached the main entrance, I realized that someone had tripped on his own feet and was about to fall on his face. I was about to dash and help him, but just at the same moment, a brunette hair girl helped him first, so I waited to see how it turned out.

They started talking, well, more like the girl was talking to him, and once she was finished with him, she left for the entrance, while I approached him, just to make sure that he was alright. "Hey, are you okay? I saw you trip, and I wanted to make sure that you were fine." I asked.

He looked surprised at my sudden question, but once he catched up to what I said, he answered. "Oh-Yeah I-I'm f-fine." It was clear to see that he really shy, but he seemed to be okay, so it was good.

"Great! Just had to make sure of that. Hey, what's your name? I'm Y/N." Probably seeing that I was friendly made him be calmer and answered with more confidence.

"Oh, I'm Izuku Midoriya, but if I may ask, what's your last name?" I was glad to know his name, but his question made me feel annoyed, so I let out a frown, and then said.

"I don't really like that name." While remembering the bad times back with my family." However, this made him nervous that he had angered me, and exclaimed nervously.

O-Oh, s-sorry, I shouldn't h-have asked." This made me realize that I had given him the wrong impression, so I reassured him with.

"Oh, no! It's alright, it's not your fault." I said in order to calm him, but also me as well. "Anyway, we should get inside." He was again surprised by this, but really quickly said.

"Oh! Right! Well, see you later." And with that, he left inside, and as I looked directly at U.A's building, I thought to myself.

'What a big building.'

Hello, new readers! I hope you liked this chapter, and that you continue enjoying the rest of my book.

And as for the ones that are re-reading after the edit, what did you think? I'm mainly trying to change the parts where Y/N had too many emotions.

And that would be pretty much it, so if you have feedback on it, or any quirk suggestions you want me to use, leave it in the comments.

See you in the next chapter, PLUS ULTRA!!!

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