Looking At The Blood Moon (CH.45)

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Y/N's Pov

After my friends said that they wanted to continue training, I replied that I didn't had a problem with it, so after they had rested a bit more, we went right back to it. This time, instead of working on their quirks, I decided to see what was their progress with the Total Concentration Breathing. So, with that in mind, I changed their routines, instead of having them work out, I told them to run as fast as they could with their breathing, and I could see some improvement.

I first told them to start off without breathing, and once I had an idea of what their average speed and endurance was, I allowed them to use their proper breathing. They all did pretty good, with some good times. Setsuna came out first,  and Itsuka followed as a close second, after her, both Yosetsu and Pony arrived with a difference of mere seconds, and as for Tetsutetsu, he was the slowest one of them, but incredibly, he also seemed to be the least tired of all them all. 'Huh, the training worked wonders.' I thought.

"Well, it looks like all of you have continued with your own training to master the Total Concentration. Good work. So now, we'll get deep into your training. I hope you're ready to work." They all seemed really excited, so we quickly started with it. This time, I decided to give them a more calmed training, since they were already tired from the previous training, and if they overworked themselves right now, tomorrow they wouldn't have energies left.

Once I adjusted their routines, and gave them to them, they started doing them quickly. At first, I only made sure that they were doing their exercises correctly, but after some minutes, I joined them with my own work out. We all continued working on each other for some minutes, when I realized someone getting close to us, so I stopped for a moment, and went to receive Togaru, who I recognized by the aura. "Hey, Togaru, what brings you here?" He only scoffed at me, and said.

"Well, I'm here for our MATCH! Of course!" I then remembered what I had promised him, and said.

"Right. I'm sorry, just give me a moment to dismiss the guys, so we can start." After I said this, he only seemed to get even more angry, and said.

"Whatever, let's just do it tomorrow. By this point you must be tired anyway." He then walked away stomping, and really angry. I stayed behind, feeling embarrassed, but then placed it on hold, to go back with the rest.

We all continued for around an hour, when I told them to stop, and go rest. As we made our way back to the main shack, Itsuka approached me, and said. "Hey, Y/NN! Thanks for helping us today." I chuckled at bit at this, and as I wrapped one of my arms around her, I said.

"No prob, Itsu. I actually enjoyed spending some time with all of yous, and it probably helped me as well, so I really had a good time." She seemed to like what I said, and then snuggled a bit with me. After some time of walking, just a bit before we arrived at the shack, I asked her. "So, is there anything you would like to do?" She took just two seconds to think of it, and then answered.

"Not really, I'm kinda tired, so today, I would prefer to just lay down, and relax for a bit." She had a little blush on her face, and her expression showed that she was actually a bit embarrassed, however, I only found it cute, so I said.

"Okay, if that's what you want, then let's do it." And I finished with a quick peck to her cheek, to which she hummed in delight. Then, when we entered the common area of 1-B's side, Yosetsu got an idea.

"Hey, Guys! Why don't we have a movie night today?!" They all liked the idea, and all agreed immediately, so we were the only ones left. I turned to see what Itsuka thought, and she said.

"That sounds like fun! I'll join as well!" With her confirmation, I was the only one remaining, but of course I said.

"Yeah! I'm onto it." So now, we only had to prepare everything. First, Tokage went to ask permission to the teachers, so we could stay up a bit late, while Yosetsu started setting up the TV, then both Pony and Tetsutetsu went for some snacks for us, and as for me and Itsuka, we went for some spare blankets, just incase it was cold.

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