Family Reunion (CH.62)

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Y/N's Pov

I was starting to get very angry, due to Mr. Yu being here, especially today, but I managed to hide most of it and only show annoyance towards him. "I know that you're no longer under his custody, Y/N, but Mr. Yu wanted to talk with you about you stay here, and since he's still your biological father, the Principal gave him permission to come." It was reasonable, but still annoying.

I wasn't angry with the Principal at all, since he was just doing his job, but what angered me was that Mr. Yu wanted to talk. "Very well then. What seems to be the problem, Mr. Yu? I remind you that we already agreed that the council does not have a say on how or where I spend my personal life." I was trying to make sure that he knew how angry I was, and I think he noticed it, because now he spoke with a tone very similar to mine.

"I know, but I'm not here in representation of the council. I come here as to represent myself." I was confused by this, and asked to him.

"And what makes you think that you have a say in this?" And from the hundreds, or maybe even thousands of answers, he said what probably was the most annoying and angering one.

"As your Father, I still have authority over you, and I intend to use it to get you out of here." He then reached to my arm, and as he grabbed it, he started walking away, while also saying. "You can still become a Hero, if that's what you want, but it'll be in a safer school, from my decision, and of course on America." It took me quite some time to catch up with everything he said, and while at first I was shocked, after I understood what he said, my blood boiled.

It was almost like if my vision turned red, and everything I could think about was how angry I was at him. The first thing I did was get out of his grasp, so I shook my arm and retrieved it, and once he turned around confused, I said. "You still have...a say...on anything concerning my life!" I was barely able to hold myself back. So little in fact, that I was just going to break, and so, I screamed this time. "AFTER IGNORING ME YOUR ENTIRE LIFE! AND RUINING ANY SLIM CHANCE I HAD OF LEADING A NORMAL CHILDHOOD! NOW YOU COME HERE, AND THINK THAT YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO RUIN MY NEWFOUND LIFE!!!" I could refrain myself from attacking him, but it was only due to the smallest hint of respect I had for him, since he was a member of the council as well, but he just didn't know when to shut his mouth.

Itsuka's Pov

Y/N had just screamed at his Father, and to be honest, the atmosphere right now was really awkward. I wanted to try talking to him, in order to calm him, but to be honest, his expression right now was really scary, even for me, but I still tried to help him.

However, just as I was approaching him, his Father talked again. "Don't talk to me like that! Whatever happened, I'm still your father, and you will talk to me as such!" He also seemed to be angry, but Y/N was even more, especially after he said this, and he looked as if he was about to explode.

"YOU PIECE OF-!!!" And then charged at him with his fist raised, but before he got to do so, not only I, but almost the entire class stopped him.

"Man! Calm Down!"

"Don't listen to him, Y/N!"

"Y/N, this isn't like you! Don't Do It!"

Everyone tried to say something to calm him, and even I did with. "Y/NN, control yourself. We are here with you." Y/N was really strong, and we were barely able to contain him, but fortunately, he didn't seem too focused on getting rid of us, and only tried to push his way through, so we just had to stop him.

Some of us tried to stop him from moving forward, while some others focused on not letting him throw any punches, because who knows what would happen if he threw one. Who knows what quirks had he copied?

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