Arriving At The Dorms (CH.57)

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Y/N's Pov

My only focus at the moment was Itsuka, making sure that she was comfortable in my lap and that I didn't do any sudden movements, or at least, it was like that, until I heard my phone alarm. "Huh? Is it morning *Yawn* already?" I said to myself with a yawn, but quickly waking up and looking at my surroundings.

Once I got a general idea of where I was, I turned off my alarm and said. "Well, should get started with the day." But even before I got a chance to try and wake up Itsuka, she said in her sleep.

"Go sleep...Honey." I was a bit hesitant to do this, but mostly surprised that she talked like this during her sleep.

"But Itsu..." I said, however, she didn't give in and still said.

"Nope." She lowly exclaimed, while also clinging harder onto me.

I still wasn't sure if it was the best idea, honestly, but I still decided to give it a try, so I scoffed a bit and said. "Fine, you win...again." I heard her chuckle lightly at this, while I just snuggled up with her.

Once I was comfortable again, I slightly focused on not falling completely asleep, just so we wouldn't stay here for too long, and closed my eyes.

My guess would be that we stayed right there for around half to two hours. I'm still a bit green when it comes to measuring the time by myself like this, however, during the entirety of it, I just focused on Itsuka and me.

I bet we would've stayed like that for far longer if it wasn't for Itsuka's dad. "Hey, you two! I'm almost done with breakfast, so you should come down already." Due to our position, and the fact that we were still pretty sleepy, we didn't have time to separate, and he got to see us snuggling with each other.

The situation was pretty embarrassing for all of us, and an awkward silence covered us until Itsuka said. "Okay, D-Dad. W-Well be down in a moment." He slightly nodded at this and then left.

Both of us stayed there, still really embarrassed, but we had to get going, so I said. "W-Well, let's get down already, Itsu." She agreed with me and then got up from my lap.

As I got up from the floor, Itsuka walked to the bathroom, probably to freshen up a bit, while I stretched a bit and placed the sheets that we used back at their place. By the time I finished doing this, Itsuka walked out of the bathroom, so I took my turn and walked inside.

I really didn't need to do anything at the moment, so I just washed my face for a bit, to fully wake up, and walked out. Once I got out, Itsuka walked up to me and asked. "Are you done?" I nodded at her question, and so she said. "Okay, then let's go eat something." She then turned towards the stairs, but before she left, I said.

"Itsu, wait." This confused her a bit, so she turned around to look at me, and I said. "Good morning." While also giving her peck on her lips. Due to this, I could see how the blush on her face from when his dad entered the room, which was starting to fade away already, completely resurfaced, and even got a bit stronger.

I chuckled a bit at her reaction, and then as she threw a light punch at my chest, she said. "D-Don't do things l-like that out of the blue!" To be honest, the punch was a bit hard, but I didn't mind it, so I just waited for her to calm down a bit, and then said.

"Are you fine-" But as I said this, she suddenly left a peck on my lips. "-now." I finished saying. The impression froze me for some moments, but I quickly managed to compose myself and said. "I get that you're ready." She slightly nodded, and just before leaving, she muttered.

"I love you." So I replied.

"I love you too." In the same tone as her, but also trying to be close enough for her to easily hear me.

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