Ace this test

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In regards to my AP test that I'm gonna take and fail tomorrow because I hate physics, here's a one shot based off of stress for tests! I feel like I've done something like this before but I don't know. I'm just bored so...
I sat at the desk Derek owned. It was dark outside, the cold breeze wheezing through a small crack in one of the windows behind me. I sighed as I flipped yet another page of my study guide and wrote a couple notes on the sheet next to me.
"Why do these tests have to be so hard?"
I yawned quietly, covering my mouth with my hand in politeness of no one around me. I blinked rapidly, trying to keep my eyes open.
I was so confident I was gonna ace this test because of how hard I was studying. I have been studying for this test for the past two weeks. It was a huge part of our grade and I was not going to fail it.
I glanced up at the clock and cringed at the time. 3:03. That wasn't good. I guess I zoned out around 11 and didn't realize how late it got. I shook my head and sighed.
"Well I guess that's a no for sleep tonight. I'd only get four hours if I went to bed now anyway."
"You know, contrary to popular belief, werewolves aren't nocturnal." A deep voice grumbled from behind me. I felt a pair of hands slip onto my shoulders and then slither down my arms. "Come on pup, it's time to go to bed. It's way too late for you to be up still."
"But I'm so close to finishing! And there's no point now, it's already past three! I might as well just stay up."
"Do you know how stupid that sounds?" He quietly scolded as he raised his eyebrows.
"I'm probably delusional." I nodded looking back at the study guides I had.
"You need sleep and some relaxation. Come to bed. I can hold you and tell you how good you're doing." He suggested
"You'd never do that."
"I will if it helps you get in bed faster. And I'll make you breakfast in the morning."
I sighed and shrugged
"Okay. Ill come to bed." I stood up and he held out his hand. I grabbed it quickly and he led me up the stairs and to his room. I didn't live with him officially but I practically lived here. I didn't have a home of my own so I just opted to stay here after Derek asked me a couple months ago.

"Derek it's cold." I complained as I pulled and bunched the blankets at my chin
"Well then come closer."
I sighed as I really wasn't in the mood to cuddle but I was so desperate for warmth that anything was better than nothing. I scooted in closer to him, throwing the access blanket behind me, and I rested my head on his shoulder.
"Dang, you are warm." I giggled. He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled my shirt up to place his hand on my back.
"How is your back even cold?" He questioned
"I don't know! I'm just cold!" I grumbled as I pushed my face into his neck.
"Just go to sleep. When you wake up I'll make you some breakfast and we can talk about your test then. Okay?"
I just nodded my head, the sleep starting to take over me. In a minute or two I was out.

Third POV
Y/n had fallen asleep quicker than anyone thought she would have. She was completely out within minutes. Derek however was still wide awake. She didn't know it, but Derek worried about her a lot. He wanted what was best for her and he knew she was sabotaging herself. He made sure she was tucked in close before he sighed.
"Y/n?" He whispered "are you asleep?"
There was no response, her body still laid out like a log.
He chuckled a little bit as he couldn't help it, and pushed a little hair behind her ear.
"I worry about you, you know? The things you do, like staying up till three, constantly putting pressure on yourself, never eating. All that stuff." He moved his hand and pushed her back so she was closer to him. "You make me nervous. The way you ignore yourself for the sake of yourself. You push yourself so hard and it just makes me scared. I know what that's like. To want to do so well you ignore everything else except for the problem. And I've also learned thats not good. You know who I learned that from? You."
Y/n shuffled around slightly so Derek paused and waited for her to settle in.
"Sometimes I think you need to listen to yourself more. The advice you give and the things you say are so relevant to you. And listen to how you feel. If you're hungry, eat, if you're tired, sleep. It's all part of being human... or not human. You get my point. Well as much as you can sleeping right next to me. You need to understand that these test scores and school expectations aren't everything in life. You may fail, and yeah that hurts but it doesn't mean it's all over. If anything, it means you're just starting. And you're doing great anyway. Just... stop being so hard on yourself and I try to help. I know on any given day you wouldn't make breakfast or go to bed on time. So i try my best to keep you on track."
"Thank you. I love you." Y/n mumbled half coherently as she turned over and away from him
"You're not even awake pup." Derek whispered
She went back to her unconscious state and Derek pulled himself toward her, pressing his chest to her back.
"Goodnight pup. I love you too."
"I'm gonna ace this test." She sleep talked
"Yeah you are." He answered as he put his face into the back of her neck.

The Bite: Derek Hale x reader (One Shots) Where stories live. Discover now