All hallows eve

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"Come on y/n! Play with me!" The kids screeched and I turned around and around to keep an eye on them.
A small blonde boy jumped on my back and a brown haired little girl tugged on my sleeve.
"Okay! That's it! I'm getting all of you!" I played around. The little boy hung tight on my shoulders and I ran around catching up to the kids who were running around the house now.
"Come back here you little brats! The big bad monster is gonna get you!"
They all screamed and giggled as they ran off.
I felt weight being lifted off me and I turned to see Derek with the blonde kid in his arms.
"Derek!" The boy squealed and latched onto him
"Hi Jay." Derek grumbled.
"Derek! Hey! What are you doing here?" I asked out of breath. I pushed hair behind me and smiled
"I've been trying to call you but it looks as if you're busy." Derek tracked two little kids who ran by him.
"Yeah sorry Derek. I've been busy with the kids. Big family you know."
"Are all of these kids even biologically related to you?"
"No, but they are still family."
One of them pushed his head into my stomach.
"Oof! Okay! Children! Children!" No one listened. "One two three, eyes on me!" I shouted.All the kids stopped and looked at me.
"How long do you have to take care of them?"
"I'm taking them trick or treating."
"But I thought we were hanging out tonight?"
"I'm only taking them till seven! I'll be back before you even know it!"
I turned back to the kids
"Okay where are our costumes?!"
"In the living room!"
"Well go get them then! We need to get ready!"
All the kids ran off to the living room and I was left alone with Derek.
"How are you not exhausted?"
"Oh I definitely am. But I can't let that stop me."
"Want a coffee?" Derek asked pointing to the machine in the kitchen
He walked over and put a black mug under it and waited for the hot liquid to run into the cup. He picked it up after the drip had stopped and handed it to me.
"Here you go."
"Thank you."
"Y/n! Can you help me with this?" A tiny tot with an Afro waddled up to me and held out a bracelet that went with her outfit.
"Of course." I clasped the tiny bracelet around her wrist and she waddled off with a thank you
"So when are you gonna make it over to my house?"
"I'll be over around eight. After the kids are in bed and settled in."
"Okay. I was planning on making you dinner but I guess you're taking care of little demon spawns."
"Derek, don't act like that. You know you love kids."
"I really don't."
"Derek? Can you help me with my hat?" The same blonde little boy tugged on his pants.
Derek sighed and plopped the hat on the kids small head. He pulled the string under the kids chin and tapped him away.
"He likes you. He wants you to pay attention to him." I informed Dereks scowl.
"Why? I'm not a role model."
"You are though. You're a heavy lover regardless of your sour sour face." I stroked his cheek. "You love your family and you'd do anything for them. You know the innocence of kids and while they can be annoying you love them."
"I didn't come over to get a reading."
"But you got in one anyway."
"I'm going home." He growled.
I kissed his cheek and let him go.
"I'll be over at eight!" I shouted out of the front door as he stomped over to his car.

It was almost seven and we were all lugging back candy and costume props they had thrown off of themselves during the night.
"Did you guys have fun?"
I got a couple of tired yeahs and a few yawns in response.
"You guys are gonna sleep good tonight."
They all stripped off their costumes and sat on the couch.
"Your guys's parents are gonna be here any minute." As if on cue, the door opened and a rush of parents came in.
"Oh my gosh. They are exhausted!" My best friend laughed as her kids were knocked out. "Thank you for watching them y/n."
"Of course." I smiled. All of their kids were taken home except for the little blonde boy who loves Derek.
"Where's your mom at buddy?" I asked as I kept him in my arms and rocked. He was fast asleep, drooling on my shoulder.
The door opened a minute later, I walked over expecting it to be his mom but it was Derek.
"Hey, is it eight already?!"
"No it's 7:35 but I wanted to come over early. Everyone gone?"
"Everyone accept this little one."
"Where are his parents?"
"His moms probably running late like usual."
"What about his dad?"
My heart sunk. I hated talking about other families problems but I couldn't lie to him.
"He doesn't have a dad. His mom is his only family."
"Oh. Sorry i asked." I shook my head.
"It's alright."
The door opened again and his mom walked in.
"Sorry I'm late! I got caught up!"
"It's alright! He's been out for about twenty minutes. He should sleep easy."
"Thank you." She took the kid from my arms and walked out the door. I watched from the window seeing her put him in the car and drive off.
"Okay, let me get changed and I'll be ready to go."

I walked out later in whatever outfit I felt comfortable in and Derek looked at me.
"What?" I asked
He walked over to me and grabbed my waist.
"You're so beautiful."
"Well thank you. But I'm not wearing anything special." He shook his head
"Doesn't matter."
"Well thank you."
I tried to walk away but he grabbed me.
"Excuse you?"
He tilted my chin up and pressed his lips to mine.
"How dare you walk away and not accept my kiss after a compliment." He growled
"I'm so sorry sir." I smiled
His eyes widened and his chiseled cheek bones turned red
"Why-uh...w-we-well what's with the nickname?"
"What? Sir? Do you not like it?"
"What? No... I never... I never said I didn't like it... I just... Well it's just..."
"Does it make you nervous?"
"A little yeah." He laughed
"Good." I moved away from him and walked toward the door. "Come on wolfy. Let's go to your house."
Derek followed suit and got in quickly.
He pulled out of the driveway quickly and sped down the street.
"Oh my god Derek slow down."
"Am I speeding?" He asked and lightened his foot on the gas pedal.
"Shit Derek." I laughed

His house was dark but it wasn't as cold as it usually was.
"It's warm in here! It's a miracle!"
"Oh it's probably all the candles."
"Candles? Are we doing a seance?"
"No! I'm trying to be romantic!" He glared at me
"I'm sorry honey." I kissed his cheek. "Show me!" I held out my hand for him to take to lead me.
He pulled me up the loft and I saw a bunch of candles flickering and it smelled amazing.
"This is beautiful Derek." I smiled
"I know Halloween isn't the most romantic time but it's our anniversary so I thought I'd do something."
"I'm just waiting for like a pentagram to materialise from the floor." I joked
"Y/n!" He whined. "I'm trying to be romantic."
"I'm sorry I'm sorry! I just... you know the energy right now!"
"I know." He pulled me into him and leaned down to kiss me. "I guess I'll just have to swoon you with my touch then."
I smirked up at him and put my hands on his chest.
"You're so handsome." I complimented quietly.
Soft music started to play and I looked at him.
"I didn't do that." He shook his head.
"I didn't either."
"Well a ghost is trying to improve the mood then."
He swayed back and forth and we danced for a little bit. After the song had come to an end he kissed me deeply.
The music turned off and the lights flickered for a moment.
"Thank you mysterious ghost." The lights flickered again "I'll take that as a thank you."
Everything went back to normal and Derek walked around and blew out all the candles. The wax had folded over the sides and dripped onto the floor and the ledges on the wall.
It got dark and Derek led me back downstairs.
"So how about a movie?"
"Sure!" I cheered
"Any suggestions." I told him to hold on and grabbed my bag. I pulled out a movie and he raised an eyebrow. "Really?"
"Oh come on! It's funny!"
"It's not."
"It's kinda funny."
"You're not gonna make me watch a movie with terrible portrayals of werewolves in it."
"It's either this or legally blonde."
"Fine. I'll suffer through the horrid representation."

"Oh come on really? We don't have anger issues!" Derek growled "and we don't eat people!"
He threw a candy wrapper down. He was so invested in his anger that he didn't even realize he was eating.
"Derek." I tapped him "you're eating candy."
He looked at me and then down at the half bitten Reece's cup.
"What has gotten into me!"
"You sure werewolves don't have anger issues." I mumbled.
"I don't want to watch this anymore!" He was practically throwing a tantrum.
"Fine fine!" I reached forward and turned off the movie. I looked back over at his face and his brow was furrowed but in a different emotion than anger.
"What is it?"
"You don't see me like that do you?"
"What?! No! Of course not! The only reason I watch movies like this because I know it's not true. You're not evil, you're not mean, you're not an animal. You love me more than anyone! I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings with the movie."
"No, it's okay. I know you're just trying to mess around."
I ran my fingers through his hair and rubbed his face with my thumb.
"You're my pretty wolf." He pressed his cheek into my hand and seemed to purr.
It was almost pitch black so I couldn't see him anymore.
"I'm sad I can't see you."
"I can see you." He smirked as his eyes turned red.
"Not fair! I wanna see you."
"But I like the mystery."
His eyes looked me up and down and I saw a highlight of his cheekbone and nose. My heart skipped and I realized how much I wanted him.
I leaned over and kissed him.
"The red eyes really do something to me."
"Come on. Upstairs now. On All Hallows' eve, the ghosts and ghouls aren't the only thing that's heart racing about tonight."

The Bite: Derek Hale x reader (One Shots) Where stories live. Discover now