A kiss for you my dear

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iiiiiiimmmm touch starved so this is born. Just a ton of fluff.
Also I'm CHUGGING on the friends to lovers train rn so...
"What time is it?" I asked Derek as I pawed mindlessly for my phone on the side table of the couch.
"Almost midnight." He mumbled, his eyes fluttering.
I could tell he was tired. He never liked to admit when he was tired but I could tell.
"Do you want me to head home? I don't mind if you want to go to sleep."
"No it's fine. What about the movie?"
I turned to the screen to see the familiar scene again.
"Derek we've seen this movie like three times... together..."
I could tell he was trying to put off going to bed. He was definitely fighting sleep like a four year old who was too youthful for sleep.
"You don't have to go home."
"Okay yeah but you have to go to sleep. So I'll stay here but you need to go to bed."
"I'm fine."
"Derek. I've been your best friend since junior year of high school. I know when you're tired."
"But I don't want to go to sleep. If you're gonna be here I'm not just gonna leave you to entertain yourself. You're my guest."
"I don't think I've counted as a 'guest' in your home since like senior year..."
He just let out a sigh of amusement, knowing I was right, and threw his hands up in surrender.
"Okay. Okay. Fine. I get the message." He stood up from the couch and tossed the blanket that was over his lap onto me.
"Oh this is nice and warm." I hummed nuzzling into the blanket.
"Yeah well I'm sweating. It's so hot in here. Can I turn the air on or will you freeze?"
"I'll be fine. Especially now that I've got this." I smiled and nuzzled into the warm blanket again.
"You're such a dork." He scoffed and tried to stifle a smile.
"Admit it Hale. I'm the cutest thing you ever did see." I batted my lashes and pulled a small smile.
He just rolled his eyes and started up the stairs to his bed. I rested my head on the couch and my eyes glazed over as I watched the end of the movie. My eyelids grew heavy and, like Derek, I couldn't resist sleep any longer.

I woke up suddenly in the middle of the night. The blanket that Derek had tossed on me was now cold and shifted onto the floor. I grumbled and pulled it back onto me. My arms seeded with goose bumps and I felt my core tremble.
"Derek you crank the air up so high." I whispered the complaint as I laid my head back down. I tried to get comfortable but failed.
I tossed and turned around the couch trying every possible position but nothing could contain my body heat.
"Fuck it." I groaned and pushed myself up from the couch. I dragged the green blanket derek bestowed to me up the stairs and found the free side of Derek's bed. I hopped in and cuddled under his duvet. I found myself inching toward Derek's body. I could feel the heat radiating from him as I moved closer.
This isn't weird is it? Is this too far? Are we crossing the platonic line if I snuggle in?
I again threw caution to the wind and buried myself deep into his side. Derek inhaled deeply and shuffled his arm out from between us and let me slide in closer.
"You're freezing." He said still half asleep
"You're warm." I whispered hoping he would stay in his state of unconsciousness.
"I'll keep you warm." He hummed. I exhaled quietly and let the silence fall back around us.
I felt his fingers rub up and down my arm. Even his fingertips were warm against my cold skin. I felt my face flush and the goosebumps started to raise. I definitely wasn't sleeping now.
It was uncommon to share such an intimate moment with Derek. He was never one for letting his guard down but I knew it was probably happening because of his sleepy state.
He yawned which had been the loudest noise in the room in a while. I shuffled around and rested my hand on his chest gently.
He turned his face to me and yawned again.
Is this really what it would be like to fall asleep with Derek every night?
I can't say I never thought of it but I never thought it would be like this... so... normal? I mean for us it wasn't normal. But normal in the sense that it's not exhilarating. My heart isn't racing like I thought. I'm not jumping at the chance to touch him. It just feels like it's meant to happen. Like this is normal for us.
My body started to fall farther from consciousness. His soft breaths dancing past the skin on the top of my head felt soothing. His fingers had stopped moving along my arms but it felt like the touch was still there. The skin at least still tingled like they were.
My focus was pulled from the increased sensitivity on my arms as my brain got foggy. I was definitely falling asleep. I wanted to stay awake and enjoy the quiet moments for a little longer. I knew it may get awkward in the morning when he's fully conscious. I just wanted to experience us like this for just a little longer. But I couldn't hold on any more so I fell into sleep.

The bed moved from under me. I felt my head tilt and my brows furrowed. I hummed in distaste and huffed as I cracked open my eyes to see what had awoken me.
"Sorry." Derek whispered as I found him in an awkward position. He was half leaned over me, trying to slowly pry his arm from under my head.
"It's okay. What time is it?"
"7 am."
"Mmmm. I should probably get up anyway. Scott needed a ride to school today."
"When did you become the chauffeur of high school students?"
"When high school students needed rides."
Derek stood up and searched through a drawer for a shirt and pants.
"You know you wear the same pants and same three shirts." I scoffed as he pulled out a familiar grey shirt.
"I like what I like. And it's simple." He shrugged and turned to me. My arm now propped up my head so I can see him better
"It's boring is what it really is."
"You think I'm boring?" He raised a brow and sat on the end of the bed by my feet
"No I think your clothes are boring, not you."
"Somehow that's more insulting." He squinted into the air and stood again.
I hopped out of the bed and back downstairs to the living room. I rummaged through my bag and found my clothes from yesterday. For a while I had forgotten that I was in dereks stuff. I had just come from work and needed to changed so derek gave me a pair of pants and a tank top to lounge in.
"You know at this point I feel like I should start leaving some clothes here." I chuckled as I straightened out my shirt and headed back up the stairs.
"You really should. I'm sick of you stealing my stuff. You still haven't given me back my jacket from last week." He poked my side as I stretched randomly.
"Hey! I can't help that it's a cool jacket and I want it!"
"Yeah you can... by giving it back to me."
"You're no fun!"
"Oh so my clothes are boring and I'm no fun!" He scoffed half joking. It suddenly hit me that maybe it was too much. My smile dropped off and he looked at me with a concerned look
"What? What is it?"
"You know I don't really mean that stuff right?"
"Of course."
"Okay. You just seemed a little sad is all. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings."
"No it's fine. I know you're kidding."
I stepped closer to him.
"Are you sure?"
Derek grabbed my arms and nodded
"I'm positive. You didn't hurt my feelings."
"Okay. I'm trusting that you're being honest with me." He just gave me a tight lipped smile and leaned in to kiss my forehead.
He had never done that before. I felt my face flush and my hands get tingly.
"I should probably get going. Scott's gonna need me." I cleared my throat and walked out of the room.

Dereks pov
Was that awkward? I don't know why I did that. It just came to my mind and before I could filter it out I did it. I just kissed her on the forehead... that was definitely weird. But not weird as in I didn't like it. I think I did. But I also think she wasn't expecting it. Neither was I. Oh god that was awkward. I liked it though.
I face palmed internally and headed back down stairs. If she was still there I would talk to her about it, if not it wasn't meant to be talked about. I prayed and prayed she wasn't there when I got down. I turned my gaze to the open apartment and she was no where to be seen.
"Oh thank god." I mumbled aloud and my body relaxed.
I guess this will be a problem for another day.

The Bite: Derek Hale x reader (One Shots) Where stories live. Discover now