End of the year anxiety

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"India, Nepal, China. India, Nepal, China." I repeated over and over again trying to memorise the placement of countries on the world map.
I was seven pages deep into geography homework that I didn't even notice Derek walk into the room.
"What in the hell?" He asked as he saw my slumped over state. "What are you doing?" He asked picking up papers from the floor.
"Studying. I have a huge geography test tomorrow and I CANT fail it!"
"Well you look like you've been attacked by a squirrel!" He laughed as he handed me another mini map that I thought I lost.
"Not funny!" I pouted.
He kissed my forehead and cooed.
"Oh does my little pup not like it when I make fun of her?"
I growled toward him and he laughed.
"You're too cute, princess."
I crumpled up a map and threw it at his head.
It hit him in the back of the head and he turned around with his eyes yellow.
"You want to play?" He chuckled in his low wolf voice.
I giggled and saw him run back at me.
I jumped out of his purple bed and flew across the room, dodging his capturing movements.
I ran out of the room and down the stairs.
I squealed as I hid behind stiles.
"Stiles save me! My boyfriend is trying to murder me!" I laughed as I breathed heavily.
"No hell no! He'll rip me to shreds! You're on your own." Stiles shouted and hid behind Scott.
I screamed as Derek ran out after me and he grabbed me by the waist.
"I got you now, you brat!"
He lined my cheek and my neck with quick kisses and I laughed at the tickling feeling.
"What did she do this time?" Scott asked.
"She threw a ball of paper at my head." I laughed hard as I recalled the moment and he scrunched his nose and tickled me.
I ragdolled and fell to the floor. I couldn't breathe so I pushed Derek away.
"I got to BREATHE, babe!"
Derek let me relax for a minute.
"So are we gonna throw paper at your boyfriends head again?" Derek asked rhetorically, folding his arms.
"Probably." I giggled.
He tried to hide his smirk and I heard stiles snort.
I looked at him and smiled with my tongue.
"Don't encourage her!" Derek shouted.
Stole tried to hide his smile but he couldn't help it.
"Go back to studying you dork." Derek said picking me up.
"Weeeee!!!" I shouted like a little kid as he carried me up the stairs.
He almost laid me on the bed when I kissed him deeply.
"I love you." I smiled and played with his hair.
"I love you too, princess."

The Bite: Derek Hale x reader (One Shots) Where stories live. Discover now